Five: Arising Trouble

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Warning: this chapter and the chapters following may contain mildly harsh language and slightly gruesome content.

(???)'s P.o.v:

~A few weeks prior~

I let out a startled yelp as I am suddenly falling down what seems to be a hole. I grunt as I hit the cold hard ground. I groaned in slight pain, standing up and rubbing my now bruised side. My eyebrows crease in confusion as I look around the unfamiliar setting.

"Corneillius!" I call out to my loyal henchmen, who must have fallen too as we were walking side by side.

"Y-yes." His high-pitched for a male voice answered in a tone that said he must have fell hard and gotten bruised too.

"What the hell just happened?" I questioned, confused about what had just taken place.

"Well, I t-think we fell through some k-kind of h-hole.." He stuttered in a seemingly nervous response.

"I know that dimwit! But how?! There wasn't a hole on that ground! Or else my sharp senses would have noticed before hand!!" I yelled, slightly angered by his stupid answer. He only frowned and remained silent. I groaned in frustration before I noticed my outburst seemed to have caught the attention of someone else.

"Who goes there?" A masculine voice called out in an authoritive tone.

Corneillius' eyes widened in fear as he let out a scared gasp. "Shh." I hushed him. "Go hide behind that tree while I handle this." I quietly commanded him, not needing him to mess anything up as a plan brewed in my mind. He rushedly followed my orders and ducked behind a nearby tree, opposite of where the voice came from. I then heard the footsteps nearing, of whom I assumed belonged to the voice that called out. I turned to face them, deeming my assumption correct as they spoke.

"Who are you, and what are you doing this close to the gates of Imladris?" The male who must have been a guard asked somewhat harshly. He seemed not to like the looks of me, Though I couldn't blame him, I would be weary of a masked figure as well.

"I would like to speak to the one in charge." I said in a flat tone.

"I am the head guard. Now state your name and business." He spoke, seeming to be looking around for who I was initially speaking to that caught his attention.

"The guard of what? Who is your leader?" I inquired, closely observing him.

"Answer my question! Who are you?!" He snapped, then beginning to reach for his weapon before I quickly pulled my dagger, easily stabbing him in the throat. A look of shock came to his face before he raised a hand to the fatal wound, then falling to the ground, dead. I quickly looked around to make sure he had no colleagues close by who might have saw. The coast looked clear, though I did hear very distant movement and chatter. There must be a community or something of the sort close by. I did recall the guard saying something about a gate to a place called Imladris. I just sighed and cleaned the blood from my dagger with a handkerchief, sheathing the the small weapon once again. That didn't quite go as I planned, but it would be fine.

"Corneillius." I called in a quieter tone as to not alert anyone in this Imladris.

He slowly poked his head around the tree he had remained hidden behind.

"Come here. Come help me dispose of this." I said, motioning towards the dead guard who I now noticed had funny shaped ears and was way taller than normal. 'Must have had some kind of deformity.' I thought as Corneillius walked over, a look of disgust on his face as he looked at the gruesome sight.

"Gee, boss. W-what happened?" He whispered as he leaned down and grabbed onto the body, beginning to drag it to dispose of it like I had asked.

"He pulled a weapon and I did what had to be done." I stated. "Don't drag it! You'll leave a blood trail." I whisper-yelled.

He stopped immediately and tried to fully lift the body that was a much larger than his own. Corneillius was on the shorter side, but had the body type where you could hardly decifer if it were muscular or fat. From what I had seen, and also forced from him, it was muscle. Though no-one else had to know that, it only made things easier for us when people underestimated him, myself as well. The dead guard was a prime example. I know for a fact he didn't see my actions coming, he probably assumed I was just some prick who thought I had power over him but would cower in fear when he pulled his weapon. How wrong was he?

I kicked dirt over the blood that had leaked from the dead man as I walked with Corneillius who seemed to be slightly struggling to hold up the weight.

"Just throw it over there." I told him, pointing to an area with a bunch of leaves and bushes. He quickly obliged, glad to be rid of the weight. We threw a few more leaves on top of the body before just leaving it, starting to walk again.

I looked over at Corneillius as I noticed his shirt was half drenched in blood.

"Ugh. Take that shirt off. It'll raise unwanted suspicions." I said.

He quickly followed my order, making a disgusted sound as he seemed to not notice his bloody state. I rolled my eyes, he never had been the one to be good at dealing with blood, or murder for that matter, but I do whatever it takes to obtain anything I desire.

When he removed his shirt, I noticed the backpack he was carrying. I grabbed it and fumbled through it, noticing all of the things I had told him to pack earlier that day. I had planned on us retrieving this valuable elixir which is said to cause immortality, though I hadn't a need for it, those who did would bend at my will for just a drop. I sighed as I would have to put that mission on hold as the day obviously didn't go how I planned.

After a few moments, I finally pulled a shirt from the bag and handed it to Corneillius, it was my shirt, so it would probably be a bit tight on him, but it's better than him being exposed to the elements or wearing that bloody shirt that would probably get us caught. The last thing we need is to be held in some prison for god knows how long for murder. I've never gotten caught before, and I don't plan on it now.

"T-thank you.." He said, putting that shirt on and throwing the bloody one into some bushes, out of sight.

"Come on. We need to find a place to stay. Who knows how long we'll be stuck in this strange place.." I muttered as I lead him away from the place called Imladris, to find a secluded area for us some shelter.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2019 ⏰

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