Roommates and Secrets

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"Wait, what do you mean 'roommate'?" I asked for the fifth time. I was calm on the outside, but on the inside I was super duper mad!

"Exactly what it means! Roommates, people you live with that are not your family! DUH!!!!" Louis said annoyed that i kept asking.

"Now don't ask again!" Harry said. "Ok, different question then! Who said you could live with me?" I asked. More curious, less madness.

"They said not to tell.......? Wait, whats your name again?" Liam asked.

"Tell me who sent you peoples and i shall tell you my name!" I said stubbornly. I turned around, only to be picked up from behind and set on the couch. A chair was placed infront of me and Louis sat on it first.

"Tell us your name!!!" Louis demanded.

"No Jimmy protested!!!!!" I said, quoting him.

Louis got up, only to be replaced by Niall.

"Tell us your name, or no Nando's!!!!" Niall threatened.

"You're just punishing yourself!!!!" I said laughing. Niall got up and Zayn sat down.

"Tell us your name or I'll take away all your hair products!!!" Zayn said.

"I'll do the same to you!" I said smirking. This is so easy! I thought that they were actually gonna do something bad! Zayn got up and Harry sat down. Great is it going to be a perverted threat?

"Tell us your name or you won't be able to go on a date with me!!!" Harry said.

"You promise?" I said smiling like i just got proposed to. Harry got up and, finally the nice, respective one, Liam sat down.

"Please tell us your name, please?" Liam asked. Finally! One of them asked instead of threatening me!!!! He is such a gentleman!!! I'm still not gonna tell them. They gotta tell me what I wanna know first!

"No I protested!" I said as I crossed my arms. All the guys groaned and I smiled.

"Wanna tell me now?" I asked.

"No!!!!" The boys yelled at Liam, who was about to tell me something.

"What was that Liam? You got INTERUPTED!" I said as I glared at the rest of them.

"Fine! I'll tell you!!! It was...."

Suddenly the door burst open.


A/N- Don't hate me that i left you at a cliff hanger!!!! Since barely anyone voted last time.......I SHALL DO COMMENTS INSTEAD!!!!!!!! Can I please have 5 comments that aren't all from the same person? Please? THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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