Unexpected Guest and Names

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The door busted open and came in was...............

MY BROTHER?????!!!!!! WHY IS HE HERE!!!!!????

"Hey sis.......who are they?" My bro asked while looking at One Direction.

"What are you doing home so early?" I said, getting up and hugging him. You see, my bro is in the Air Force and I barely get to see him. Only like once every 2 months.

"I came for a suprise visit, but it seems like your busy so im gonna-"

"No! I'm gonna introduce you!" I said. I dragged my bro over to One Direction, who were just stareing at my bro. Weird dudes......

"Brother, this is Liam, Harry, Niall, Louis, and Zayn. Boys, this is my brother, Michael." I said.

"Nice to meet you boys, but what are you doing with my LITTLE sister?" My bro asked. He took off his jacket and showed off his muscles. The boys suddenly got nervous, I started to chuckle when they started to look at me for help.

"Do you want me to tell him?" I asked smiling.

They all nodded and smiled, relieved.

 "They are my new roommates!!!!" I said throwing my arms up like I was presenting a prize to the winner.

"WHAT?!" My bro said, freaking out.

"I was just about to find out who told them to be my roommates when you busted in." I said looking at Liam waiting for him to tell me.

"Fine.....it was.....your father......." Liam said the last word so quietly that we could barely hear him.

"What?" I asked flatly. My bro just sat on the couch stareing itto space. I think he was in shock from my father actually did something with me involved.

"How do you know my father?!" I ask yelling at a wall because i dont want them to see me cry. I don't like to cry infront of people.

"He is friends with our manager. We needed a place to stay in Nashville and your father said he had a daughter in Nashville so here we are...." Liam said.

Everyone waited for my reaction.

"Well, I don't really talk to my father. He wasn't there when I needed him, ever since I had my 16th birthday. Now I'm 19 and he is somewhere in the world..." I said.

Now I waited for the boy's reaction.

"Wait, you haven't talked to your father in 3 years?" Harry asked.

"Yep" I said, popping the 'p'.

"He does text me and I reply but we dont talk with voices." I added.

"I've talked to him but its kind of uncomfortable."  My bro said.

"Our mom is dead so we only really talk to each other mostly." My bro added.

"Ok, enough talk about that. We told you what you wanted to know, now tell us what we want to know!" Niall demanded.

"Ok, my name is......Michele, Michele Edith Renee..........Loos." I said. My bor looked at me strangly, then he figured out that I was using my mothers maiden name, before it was Dobson.

My name is now Michele Edith Renee Loos.

"I'M HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!" Niall yelled

Oh, Niall............


A/N- 5 comments that are from 5 DIFFERENT PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!! trick there!!!!!!!!! thank you for being awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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