Chapter 3

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Kate scrunched up her face and looked sideways at Tutor.

Tutor bowed her head and scootched away from Kate.

Kate took another deep breath and looked up at her father, who was still glaring at her.

"How dare you run and hide then come back and not tell us!!" he roared.

Kate shrugged, "I said yesterday that it was confining." she signed.

Everything ok? Lexi asked.

Dad's yelling at me and I don't know what to say. Kate admitted.

Wow. He's really angry. How can you stand listening to him? He's really loud. Lexi asked.

Are you here? Kate resisted the temptation to look around the room for the little blue dragon.

Yes and no. I opened the eye link so I can see through your eyes and with a little practice you can see through mine. Lexi told her.

That makes sense. Kate agreed.

She heard Lexi chuckle and remembered that she was still with her father. She blinked and started listening to what her father was saying again.

"-of all the irresponsible-" she started ignoring him again.

So how fast do you grow? she asked Lexi.

Well when you get back to your room I'll show you. Lexi said with a purr. 

"Sire, what should her punishment be?" Kate heard Tutor ask and instantly she was listening again.

"She is grounded. For the next month she may not leave her room unless given explicit permission by me." he thundered.

"May I continue her lessons?" Tutor questioned nervously.

"No! No one may see unless I say so! Now remove her from this room. Her punishment starts now!"

Tutor curtsied and hurried Kate out of the room.

"Tutor. Tutor." Kate signed without Tutor seeing. Finally she pulled on Tutor's sleeve.

Tutor turned to her, "What? Haven't you done enough?"

"What is wrong with Father?" she signed.

Tutor's eyes widened and she shook her head, "I will tell you when you're older."

Kate rolled her eyes and marched away to her room.

On the way she met Axel. Axel bowed to her and she smiled at him.

"I cannot see you. I am sorry. My father is punishing me for disappearing last night." she signed.

Axel's brow wrinkled. "You're sorry why? Oh your father is punishing you. Why? Oh you disappeared." he seemed to figure it out right after he asked the question.

Lexi, what's wrong with him? Kate asked.

Oh I opened the mind link. He has a dragon too, so all dragons can communicate with him.

So he can hear this conversation? Kate asked nervously.

Yep! Lexi replied cheerfully.

You have a beautiful voice Kate. Axel's voice cut through her mind, How did you lose it?

I was cursed. Kate thought sadly.

I'm sorry. Axel said gently.

She shrugged and kept walking down the hall, Axel looking after her.

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