Chapter 17

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Ted and Aleck had only been walking about fifteen minutes when it was Ted's turn to carry her.

"So why did you stop arguing with me earlier? And what was with that sudden mood change?" Aleck started on his list of questions again.

Ted drew breath to answer, then stumbled again as Lexi's second attack came, dropping Kate and grabbing his head. "Ah, ow!

Aleck rushed to Kate's side. "You dropped her!"

"Dude, I was just hit with a powerful punch to the mind! Yes, I dropped her!" Ted snapped, kneeling down and rubbing his head.

"Why didn't I feel it?" Aleck wondered.

"Because I countered last time so whoever struck us was mad at me for doing so."

"Last time?"

"Yeah, remember when you fell?"

"Oh, yeah, speaking of, why didn't you fall?" Aleck sat back and stared at him.

Ted sighed. "I can't avoid this forever."

Aleck blinked expectantly.

"Yeah, yeah." Ted sat down cross-legged and sighed. "I have people in my mind."

Aleck waited for him to continue and his expression gradually dissolved into confusion when Ted didn't. "But that's impossible." He protested. "It doesn't make sense, how does that work?"

"I don't know. I like to think that whoever plans this stuff didn't have enough bodies so he gave some extra minds to special people." Ted shrugged. "Either that or I'm possessed."

Aleck was obviously very confused and he sat still for a long while, thinking about how it would work.

Ted lay back on the ground and sighed, staring up at the sky.

Aleck looked over at him. "Ted?"

Ted glanced over at him. "What?"

"Do you have a wife?"

Ted burst out laughing. "No-" he interrupted himself by laughing more.

Aleck looked at him, even more confused.

Finally Ted had calmed down enough to construct a sentence. "No, Aleck, I don't have a wife. I have a girlfriend and I hope one day she'll be my wife but no, not yet." He chuckled again.

The explanation didn't seem to clear up anything for Aleck. "What's a girlfriend?"

"It's.." Ted paused and frowned. "I guess, it's someone who you agree to provide for and make kids with because.." again he paused. "..because I suppose you get along well enough to tolerate each other for the rest of your life."

Aleck thought about it for a couple minutes. "Do you think Kate would be my girlfriend?"

Ted smiled and patted Aleck's back. "Sure, she will."

"Where's your girlfriend?" Aleck asked curiously.

"She's asleep for a little while." Ted got up and picked up Kate. "Let's go."


Lexi watched the presences come closer again and snarled in anger.

Hearing a whimper of fright from Patrick, she turned her fury on him and roared threateningly.

He got the message and shut up.

Lexi waited for another attack from the mysterious person but when none came she lay down again and waited.


After everyone had eaten their fill of Carrie's soup, they all climbed up the ladder into the room that Kate hadn't been able to explore.

It turned out to be a sleeping area for them all with a large fireplace at the end.

All of the beds were bunks, like at the military school Tutor had given her a tour of, telling her that understanding her army would help her to be a good queen.

A wave of sadness washed over her at the memory. She and Tutor had never been best friends but Tutor had understood her better than anyone else in the palace.

All of the kids were sitting in a semi circle around the fire now and Salt patted the spot next to her, indicating that Kate should join.

Once Kate was settled in, Mali got up and walked to the center of the semi circle. She glanced at Carrie and when Carrie nodded, announced, "We have a newbie in our midst!"

There was cheering, mainly from Salt, Carrie, and Tic-Tac and Kate blushed a bit.

"Since Kate is suuuch a boring name," continued Mali, "we've decided that her new name and nickname is Dove!"

There was instantly a chorus of, "Alright, Dove!", and, "Awesome name girl!". Sam-Cam didn't say anything, he just patted Kate's shoulder with a smile.

Kate smiled back at Sam-Cam, then turned to Mali. "I love it, I really do, but why Dove?"

Before Mali could explain, Carrie spoke up, "It's because the dove is symbol of life, love, and peace and since you're obsessed with love, it was perfect. Lovey-dovey." She grinned, indicating that it was all meant in jest.

Kate smiled at her. "It's awesome!"

After a few more hours of magic tricks, root beer and plenty of failed attempts at knife throwing, Carrie rounded everyone up and sent them off to bed.

Kate had the bunk above Salt, who was incredibly excited about having her there.

After a few minutes of whispering and quiet laughter, all the kids settled in and quickly fell asleep.

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