9. Climbing Rocks

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Jihyo is the very first one to wake up. She rubbed her eyes in the shade and sat up, she put her feet on the wooden floor slowly trying not to make a noise. Jihyo noticed that Mina was nowhere to be found lying on her bed but instead on Y/N's bed, cuddling each other. Mina's face was buried to Y/N's neck and the latter hugged her small waist.

Jihyo pouted and head for the door, she puts her left hand on the knob while the free hand is the one twisting it. She slowly twisted the door knob, successfully not making any noise. She head for the kitchen to make breakfast for the girls, she looked at her wristwatch, '6:48'.

She went in the kitchen and started cooking.


Mina woke up with a beautiful girl in front of her. She smiled and scanned her features. Mina noticed she had a healed scar below her left eyebrow to the top of the eyelid. She wanted to know the story behind the healed scar. Mina kept staring at her face, she was mesmerised of how beautiful she is and how smooth her skin is.

Y/N slowly opened her eyelids revealing Mina smiling at her like a kid. She looked away as she blushed madly. The latter chuckled because of how cute she is whenever she's blushing. The muted girl covered her face with both of her hands, not wanting to look at Mina. The latter pushed down her hand, only seeing her eyes.

Mina leaned in, wanting to see her eyes more closer. Y/N skipped a beat at her actions, Mina scanned her eyes. They were sparkling because of the sun shining through the windows. And then Jihyo stormed in.

"Hey Mina— Woah! Jesus fucking Christ you two, you guys should get a room or something, not here." The other four girls groaned because of Jihyo's voice, "What the fuck...?" Lisa said as she groaned and rubbed her eyes. Mina blushed at Jihyo's words, Y/N as well.

"Also, get your asses up. Breakfast is ready." All of them obeyed Jihyo and went out of the bedroom, they all followed the beautiful smell, leading them to a table with 6 plates with pancakes and eggs on a separated plates on the middle of the table. Jihyo then later put the rice beside the eggs. The 6 of them quickly sat down on the chair, Y/N just stood there. There was no chair left for her, it only has six chairs.

"Y/N, you should sit on my la—" Jennie cut Lisa's sentence by smacking her head. Lisa rubbed her head, "You should get a chair and sit beside me!" Jihyo was in the middle, and the other side middle is Mina. The left side is Irene and Seulgi, the right side is Lisa and Jennie. Y/N followed what Jihyo says and put the chair beside her, Jihyo move a little to the side to give her more space. Meanwhile, Mina is jelly jelly.

Jihyo glance at Mina and wiggled her eyebrows, teasing her. Mina narrowed her eyes at Jihyo. Y/N sat on the chair beside Jihyo and everyone started eating. Irene decided to spoke up, "Are we gonna have captured the flag today?" Irene asked everyone, "Probably, I hope these two losers would lose." Lisa pointed at Mina and Jihyo, Y/N rolled her eyes of Jennie's words.

"Yeah, you're right." Lisa smirked at Mina, Jennie and Lisa high five without looking at each other. "I would love to see you're group fall apart, Jihyo." Jennie glance at the girl she mentioned. "Good thing Y/N is in our side." Lisa joined in. "I want to see you're cute little face break into tears." Lisa smirked at Jihyo. The girl furrowed her eyebrows.

Any minute now Jihyo will burst into tears. Y/N put her hand on Jihyo's back, drawing circles with her palm, Mina is getting pissed off too. Mina stood up on her chair with her eyes golden. Jihyo gestured her to sat down back on the chair, Mina obeyed her, she scoffed as she crossed her arms.

Jennie and Lisa chuckled at the two seeing them really pissed off. Jennie glanced at Y/N, her eyebrows furrowed. She looks scary whenever she death glare someone. Jennie rolled her eyes on Y/N and continued to eat her breakfast.

After they finished eating their breakfast, they put it in the sink and Y/N volunteered to wash the dishes. Y/N head for the sink and ready to wash the dishes. She pulled back her sleeves to her elbows and wore dishwashing gloves. While she was washing the dishes, she collected a memory. A memory that she's washing dishes with her parents since preteen days as if a scene played inside her head.

Y/N was shocked, just washing the dishes bring her back past memories? That's new, She continued.

Meanwhile, Jihyo is itching to hug Y/N's back while she wash the dishes. She stood up and head for the kitchen, revealing Y/N on the sink. Jihyo smiled and went beside her, Y/N turn her head to Jihyo with her brow raised in confusion. The latter went to Y/N's back and hugged it tight. Y/N flinched at Jihyo's actions, the latter can hear the muted girl's heart beating fast.

Jihyo smiled behind her back, Y/N continued to wash the dishes while someone is hugging her back, she felt her face burning.


Mr. Hwang called everybody to get out of their cabins and went up to the front. The seven girls held their hands together so they wouldn't be lost in the crowd. Mina and Jihyo was holding the muted girl's hand, Y/N was between the two. The two blushed madly.

All of the students followed Mr. Hwang, revealing a climbing rocks. The students whined, not wanting to climb rocks. They really wanted to use their powers. "Ms. Kang!" Mr. Hwang called out the muted girl, the latter turned her head to Mr. Hwang. "Show them how to climb rocks quickly." Y/N eye's widened. She doens't know who to climb rocks, Mina, Jihyo, Jennie and Lisa was nervous. Jihyo read Y/N mind, she was extremely nervous.

Y/N had no choice but to follow Mr. Hwang, she let go of Mina and Jihyo's hand and went up in front. She narrowed her eyes and grabbed one rock and then her right feet. Y/N was surprised at her own strength, she didn't felt heavy at all instead she felt like a feather. She climbed even more faster like a damn superhero.

The students awed in amazed seeing her climb rocks that fast. Y/N got in the top and student applauses from the ground, she looks down she glance at Mina and Jihyo. They were smiling widely, Jennie and Lisa too.

Y/N went down the metal stairs while the students are looking at her their jaws dropped, Y/N kept a vacant expression on her face as he went downstairs.

After Y/N got her feet on the ground, Mr. Hwang claps, "Good job, Ms. Kang." Y/N only nodded and went up to her cabin mates. Mr. Hwang started to call names to race climbing up to the rocks. Two person have to race.

"Jeongyeon and Jimin." Mr. Hwang called the two, both of them death glared at each other. "Give me back my legos you bitch." Joengyeon mouthed at Jimin, he rolled his eyes at Jeongyeon.

Th two of them went to the front, Mr. Hwang counted down to three and whistled. Both of them climb the rocks fast but not fast as Y/N. Later on, Jeongyeon won. She stick her tongue out to Jimin, he crossed his arms close to his chest, sulking. They went down the metal stairs to the ground.

Many minutes had passed, Mr. Hwang finally finished calling out names to race. All of the students were laying on the ground, exhausted. Meanwhile Y/N was leaning on a tree, Jennie and Lisa laid on her shoulder. Mr. Hwang shook his head seeing his students laying on the ground, probably dead because of exhaustion.

Y/N chuckled of what she's seeing right now.



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𝗠𝗨𝗧𝗘𝗗; twice x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now