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real life

"you really don't think i could get that guy's number?? i'm offended," isabell diego said, shooting looks at her two friends.

"i'm not saying you can't, i'm saying there's a very small chance!" brendon urie replied, laughing and taking a sip of his drink.

"you know what, i believe in you, iz! go get 'em!" josephine hatter cheered.

isabell laughed and high-fived josephine, causing brendon to roll his eyes.

"thank you, jo. i always knew i could count on you."

"of course! go get your man!"

isabell hugged her friend then ran off, leaving the two behind at the bar. josephine giggled as she watched isabell sprint towards the guy in the corner, completely oblivious to the fact that her ex could not keep his eyes off her.

"she's something else, huh?" josephine asked, spinning back towards the bar.

"mhm," brendon replied.

"okay, whip out your wallet, mr. disco. i could use another mai tai."

he chuckled, "haven't you had enough?"

"no! i just need one more. please?" she begged, pouting her bottom lip out.

"oh, fine."

brendon ordered josephine another drink, causing her to hug him out of excitement. she meant it in a friendly way. he hoped to god there was more.

it was no secret brendon was still in love with this girl. he tried everything to send the message to her, but she remained blissfully unaware. it hurt him a little bit, but he kept telling himself that it was better off this way.

"so, brendon, whatcha up to?" she asked, attempting to break the silence that had fallen.

"you mean since we last hung out...five days ago?"

"well—i don't know! a lot can happen in five days."

"like what?"

she shrugged, "just making small talk, dude."

"i've been up to nothing. there, you happy?" he snapped, but instantly regretted it.

josephine gave him a look of disbelief. she thought he was so confusing. one second he was kidding around and cracking jokes, and then next he was being short with everyone. she found it hard to believe that she was ever dating someone like that. she knew they should've remained friends.

"you don't have to be such an asshole about it! it got quiet, i was just trying to break the silence."


"don't you give me an attitude. god, this is the exact reason why we broke up!"

brendon started to get upset. he turned to her with an angry expression, "what?!"

"we broke up because of you! it's all your fault!"

"my fault?! you're the one who dumped me!"

"because you couldn't be bothered to talk to me after i called and texted you several times! you could've been dead, for all i knew!"

"i called you! i tried to talk to you and you broke up with me!"

josephine rolled her eyes and ran her hand through her hair out of frustration, "i can't believe you're making a scene like this in a bar!"

"you started it!"

"right, everything's my fault. if it wasn't for me, we would've had world peace by now."

"oh shut up, josephine. you're always so overdramatic."

"did you just tell me to shut up?!"

"you keep carrying on! you're the one making a scene!"

she huffed and stood up, "goodness, are you an asshole! i can't believe i ever went out with you!"

"what, are you gonna walk out on me now?! just like our relationship?!"

"shut the hell up, brendon! you know, you're such a—"

"excuse me, ma'am, but i'm afraid i'm going to have to ask you to leave," the manager of the bar said, standing in front of josephine.


"you are causing a disruption. please leave now, or you will not be allowed in here again."

josephine went to snap at the manager but chose to bite her tongue, turning away sharply and storming out the door.

"bitch," brendon muttered, finishing off his drink.

but deep inside, he wanted her more than anything.

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