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interview with vogue

our editor, megan, meets up with actress josephine hatter in her los angeles residence.

hi, josephine! how are you today?
"i'm doing well, how about yourself?"

great, thank you! this is a wonderful place you have here.
"thank you! it's my boyfriend's, i just moved into it."

that's nice! so life's been pretty exciting for you, huh? tell me about your new movie.
"oh gosh, i'm so excited. so it's called bumblebee, and basically my character, charlie, befriends the transformer've just gotta see it. i can't give away too much."

was it different on set for an action movie rather than your typical drama?
"yes, definitely. it was a lot more fun, tons more going on at once. lots more green screen usage, too. *laughs* but making movies are just fun, i love it."

so, in addition to that, you have an album releasing too, correct?
"mhm! it's called haiz, and it's released at the end of january. i'm so excited for it! it's my first ep album and i've worked so hard on it."

can you give us a sneak peak of any songs?
"i would love to, but my manager wouldn't be too happy with me."

what can we expect on this record?
"there's only a few songs, and they're all upbeat and happy. mostly about love, but that just describes my life."

now, i don't think you ever gave a clear answer to this question. where did the name 'haiz' come from?
"oh! so basically it's a misspelling of 'haze.' i felt like the past few months have just been a wonderful haze for me, and i thought it would be cool to misspell it. *laughs and shrugs* i don't know, i'm weird."

describe this 'haze.'
"well, i basically filmed a movie, wrote an album, hosted an awards show, met the love of my life, and turned 25 all in the course of 9 months. it just blew past so quickly that i felt like i was in a haze."

alright, so let's get sappy. how's the new man?
"oh my, i love him to pieces. *laughs* he makes me so happy, i wouldn't trade him for the world."

how long have you guys been together?
"for a cumulative 8 months, but we've been together for 5 straight. we took a short break in between."

but you're stronger now?
"one-hundred percent. we've been inseparable since we got back together. we both realized our mistakes and got over it because we knew we needed each other more than anything."

can we hear any wedding bells in the future?
"*laughs* i hope so! it's all up to brendon, i'd marry him if he wants."

well, there you have it! congratulations on the new movie and album, and best of luck in the future!
"thank you! this has been so fun!"

hey everyone! thank you so much for reading!! it means the world!
but i have news- there's only a couple chapters left in this book! i feel like it's been dragging on for too long and needed an ending. with that being said, sorry if updates come slower, i want to finish this story on a good, well-written note!

thank you, again, and love you guys so so very much!!
💋, liv

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