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e! news article
is josephine hatter married?
by: lisa williams

on march 20, an e! news inside source spotted actress josephine hatter and boyfriend brendon urie leaving the los angeles courthouse. hatter was seen in a flowy white dress while urie was clad in black slacks and a white button-down. only one conclusion could be drawn;

the couple had gotten married.

friends of the pair have long stated that they are as close as they can be. singer isabell diego, hatter's best friend, has said in the past that they are inseparable and have beautiful plans for the future. does this plan include eloping? or is the marriage for another reason?

back in february, hatter uploaded a "mirror selfie" to her instagram (josie_hatter) of her sitting on the corner of a bed looking very tired with the caption: been puking my guts out but still gotta support the babe💋 #apmas

after that post, both hatter and urie seemed to disappear. their social media accounts haven't uploaded on since and they haven't been spotted out in public. no new music or movies have come from either of the talents.

that was until our inside source caught them at the courthouse. after piecing everything together, we have come to another conclusion: this was a shotgun wedding.

if you're unclear of what a shotgun wedding is, it is when a couple elopes mainly because the bride is pregnant. a shotgun wedding would be able to describe all of the events that have occurred in the past three months. hatter's instagram post was about her morning sickness; they went incognito so no one would find out about the pregnancy; then the shotgun wedding to cover up any embarrassment from a baby before marriage—or even engagement.

on hatter's instagram post, fans began to jokingly speculate that she was pregnant. after a few days, however, she deleted all of those comments and ended up turning them off completely. another clear sign she wanted nothing getting out.

comments from any friends, family, or spokespeople for both hatter and urie have been declined.

it's still just a rumor—and a pretty far-fetched one—but you never know. we'll just have to wait and see...

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