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real life

"i know, josephine. i wish i didn't have to go either," brendon urie said, pulling his crying girlfriend closer.

today, he was leaving for australia to perform in that country and the neighboring ones. he was leaving during the height of drama surrounding his newfound romance.

josephine hatter was just crying into his shoulder. this was her first public relationship, and her first real drama. she didn't know how to handle the stress. brendon consoled her for as long as he could, but there was no way he could keep her safe while he was gone.

"i have to leave, darlin. will you be okay?"

josephine looked up and nodded, "i think so."

"i'm only one call away, babe. don't even hesitate if you need someone to talk to. i love you."

"i love you too," she muttered.

brendon stepped away for a moment to sling his bag over his shoulder. he pulled josephine back in right after, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"please don't cry anymore, josie."

"i'm trying."

"everything will be okay. i'll be gone for a month at most. and then we can be together every day, alright, jo?"

she nodded and brushed a tear away. zack, waiting in the car outside, honked the horn twice. brendon rolled his eyes and laughed lightly.

"damn, my shitty uber driver is getting impatient."

josephine giggled, "then go, rockstar. can't keep him waiting."

"alright, alright. i love you very much, jojo. i'll call you as soon as i land."

"you better," she replied, giving her boyfriend a sweet kiss.

he kissed her quickly again before running outside, trying to dodge the heavy raindrops. she followed him out and waited on the porch.

"bye, sweetheart!" she called as he climbed into the passenger seat.

"bye, doll!"

"enough already!" zack yelled.

josephine rolled her eyes and watched as they drive out of sight. the tears filled her eyes again as she realized that brendon was actually gone. she sulked inside, but was immediately greeted by hugs from her three best friends.

"you'll be okay, babygirl," izzy said, running her hand through josephine's long hair.

"we'll be right here for you. anytime you need someone, we're here. okay?" ava told her, getting a nod from josephine.

"and i'll bring you a batch of cookies every day until he comes back," cassidy offered.

"that's a lot of cookies, cass," josephine replied, giggling.

"i just want you to be happy! you have the prettiest smile out of all of us."

josephine shrugged and smiled, "thank you, guys. you're all the best."

"oh, it's no problem. now that that's over, i'm starving. let's go get some sushi," izzy said while grabbing her purse.

"sushi's so disgusting!" ava yelled.

"oh, hush."

josephine laughed as her friends bickered. maybe she would be okay...maybe.

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