Chapter 3 -- Lying Low

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"Shouldn't we teleport." They had been walking for 20 minutes and John was starving, "I mean yeah sure so far we've only teleported a short distance, but maybe we should try... It is pretty dark out."

"Yeah that's a good idea. You know what I just realised..." Ashley trailed off allowing John to speak.

"That we don't know each other's names... yeah I've been thinking the same thing." John turned around and stopped walking. Holding out his hand, he said, "I'm John."

"I was going to say I just realised how crazy this all is, but yeah I also just realised we never introduced ourselves. I'm Ashley." Ashley reached out her hand and shook John's and upon doing so they were both transported to an unrecognisable home, "Where are we?"

John looked around and laughed, "Home! Thank god, I'm starving." John walked around the corner and disappeared into the sound of dishes clashing and cupboards opening. With the closing of a fridge and beeping of the microwave John returned, "I think I left my wallet here when I went for my run." Running upstairs he left Ashley alone again.

'So much for hospitality,' Ashley thought. She walked down the hallway and found the bathroom, 'Finally, I can wash this dirt off me.'

John heard the shower start from upstairs, 'That would probably have been a good idea... oh well, time to order pizza.' John ordered the pizza through the phone and walked downstairs. Grabbing the leftover chinese food from the microwave, he had to remember to grab a fork before digging in, almost eating it with his hands, 'That would of made a great first impression.'

Ashley finished her shower and looked solemnly at her dirty clothes. 'I'm going to need new clothes soon... maybe I can borrow something from John.' She rolled the thought over in her mind and wrapped the towel tightly around her body, 'Yeah, I can't imagine stepping back into those.' She gave the dirt stained, discarded clothes one more glance as she walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey, I've got some pizza on the way." John said loudly from around the corner, sitting in the kitchen, "It should be here any minute."

Walking around the corner Ashley spoke, "I may need to borrow some new clothes..." Trailing off she looked at John whose mouth was wider than she thought humanly possible.

John closed his mouth abruptly, "I was... just... you know, the thing with the teeth and food. Eating! That's it." John continued, "Ummm, clothes are in my room. Upstairs first door on the left. In my dresser. You'll see it." John had to force himself to stop talking. Turning his head back to his plate he decided to start eating again.

Ashley backed out of the kitchen, "Ok..." Walking up the stairs she thought, 'That was odd.'

'Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid...' John repeated the same word over and over again, timing it with hitting his forehead with the palm of his hand. The doorbell rang and interrupted John's methodical self torture. Walking over to the door John opened it and was surprised to see a reporter.

Looking down at his notepad the reporter said, "Hi, my name is Danny, Danny Gregors. I was wondering if the family of John Trevors was here by any..." The reporter - Danny - was cut off abruptly by the slamming of the door in his face.

John sighed heavily and then shut off the porch light and made sure the blinds were closed. 'I don't think he saw me, we're still good.' Running upstairs John burst into his room, "We've got a proble..."

John was cut off by what can only be described as a shrieking squeaky toy of a surprised scream, and then a topless Ashley covering herself and yelling, "I'm still changing!"

Closing and covering his eyes John spun around and ran towards the door, missing, and hitting his face against the wall, "Ow!" With his eyes still closed, he walked with his hands held in front of him, out the door, and shut it behind him. "I didn't see anything..." John lied from the other side of the door, "There's a reporter outside and he wanted to speak to my family about me being dead, luckily I closed the door before he could see anything." John spoke loudly through the door. 'Also my family doesn't live here... why would the reporter come here?' He thought.

The door opened and out came a very flustered and angry Ashley, "Knock next time!"

John cocked his head to the side, "Next time?" He laughed.

"You know what I mean!" Her face still red she walked downstairs and opened the front door. The reporter still stood on the other side and was writing furiously in his notebook. Taking the notepad out of his hands she slammed the door shut.

"My notepad!" A defeated shout came from the other side of the door.

Flipping through the small booklet Ashley looked up, "Well he heard everything and now he knows... not that anyone will believe in him." The doorbell rang and Ashley opened the door yelling, "You're not getting your damned notepad back!" Only to see the delivery man holding two large pizzas.

"That'll be $12.34 ma'am." The man staring back at her seemed unphased.

"Oh, yeah sure thing." Turning back towards John she said, "Fifteen dollars!"

John walked down the stairs and handed the man his money, "Keep the change." Taking the pizza John walked away.

"Hey! Aren't you that guy that was on the news?"

Ashley slammed the door in his face and locked the door, "So much for lying low." Following in John's footsteps, she made their way into the kitchen. "What are we going to do now?"

"I'm going to enjoy my pepperoni pizza... I got you cheese because I don't know what you like." John was still hungry despite his previous dinner.

"Cheese is fine. Hawaiian would have been better." Ashley opened the box and began to eat, not realizing how hungry she was until now.

John stopped and looked up in mock shock, "Pineapple... on pizza? Are you out of your mind?"

Ashley looked up, "It's the perfect combination of sweet and sal..."

John cut her off, "Nope. I'm going back to my grave if you finish that sentence."

Ashley smiled and said without hesitation, "Salty."

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