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Have you ever fallen for someone that you know you can't have?

Someone who already has someone?

That's what happened to me.

We sit 5 feet apart and I haven't said a word to him. He's sitting there with his gorgeous black hair and I'm so close, yet so far.

He's popular, I'm not. He's handsome, I'm not.

"Hey, Smitty! You okay?" I'm pulled back into reality by my friend, John. I nod as he starts up a conversation with me but I can't focus. Not when Evan's the only thing on my mind. "Smitty?" John asks for a second time. "Hmm?" "Evan Fong's looking at you." And I'm back into reality, just like that. I turn to look at his table and sure enough, there he is. Staring at me. I stare back, not knowing what to say. I mean, it's not like I can call him out on it because then I'd just be a hypocrite.

My face is hot from his stare. Him staring catches Craig's attention. "Oh, hey Smitty! Come sit with us!" Craig was the friendly one of the group. I looked to John who gives them a cold stare back.

I begin to stand, John's hand stops me.

"Smitty I- I love you."







"Wake the fuck up!" I can hear John scream. "No. Fuck off." "I will drag you out of bed and tell Evan that you have a crush on him," my eyes widen and I sit up fast. "You wouldn't dare." He smirks, "try me." In a second, I jump on top of John, knocking him to the floor.

"Get off of me!"

"No, you bitch!"

He pushes me off and gets on top of me, "no! Stop!" I yell as his hands creep closer to my sides. He smirks once more before tickling me. "Ahhh! Fu-" I let out a loud mix of a scream and a laugh, "-ck! Get off of me!" I laugh until my sides hurt and I can hardly breathe, "Craig! Mini! Help me!" I cry out.

Craig comes running into my room and sees John on top of me. He leans his head against the doorframe and lets out a small laugh. "Betrayal!" "Fine, fine!" He says pushing John off of me and helping me up. "Thank you. God damn, my head hurts." "We'll get you something for it. We gotta get ready for school." "Fuck! Also, turn my alarm off."




"You need a ride to school?" "Yeah, thanks." He unlocks his car as him and I both get in. "See you guys at school," John says, getting into his car and speeding off. "I bet 10 dollars that he gets pulled over by the police." "I won't take that bet because I know he'll get pulled over." He starts his car and we begin driving. It's quiet, just how I like it- "so, why did you decide to come back to Cedar?" "I missed everyone." "Correction, you missed Evan." "Yeah- I did." Craig lets out a little giggle, "you have to say at least one word to him, man."

I shrugged. "What's the point? He's already dating Delirious." "Well, don't tell anyone that I told you but there is a rumor going around that Delirious is cheating on Evan. I don't know if the rumors true but if it is then it would explain Delirious' frequent disappearances." "Cheating? Why would anyone cheat on Evan? He's the whole package..." I say. It was true, Evan was the whole package. He was a strong, handsome, talented guy with an amazing sense of humor.

"Apparently, Delirious found love in Luke. Which would also make sense. Those two are really touchy but Evan is oblivious to it all. I feel bad for the poor guy. Delirious might not even love Evan anymore." I let out a sigh, "Delirious doesn't treat Evan right. He deserves someone who will love him and not chest on him." Craig nodded, "no, I totally agree but even if the rumors are true, Evan would probably stay with Delirious since he's so head over heels for him. He can't even see that he's being neglected."

We pull into the school and I step out of the car, pulling my backpack over my shoulder. "I wanted to ask if you wanted to sit with me at lunch?" He says, following my lead and exiting the car, backpack in hand. "Uh, yeah, totally." "Cool." "Is the school still the same?" "You were only gone for a year," he says stifling a laugh.

"Things can change in a year."

"I mean- true."

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