Chapter 7

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Lui helped me. He explained to me what I could do. I don't know how I would even make Evan fall in love with me... I made my way to my next class but before that, David stopped me.

"How're ye feelin'?" He asked, irish accent as thick as ever. I shrugged holding my stomach. I felt empty. "Not the best but it's better than coughing up flowers." "How about we skip class? The teachers here don't care." I looked up at David and nodded, smiling slightly.

David was a sweet guy.

He was like a giant teddy bear, tall and sweet. He took my hand and led me up to the roof which, for some reason, was unlocked. "Welcome to David's Castle." I let out a small laugh.

"Do you skip class a lot?" "No, I never have but it seemed like ye could use a break from everything that just happened." I smiled more at that. "Ah! Here's the bench." He walked towards a bench and I followed him sitting down. "Y'know Evan has hanahaki?" I nodded, "I heard Marcel whisper it." "Did ye now? Ye know why he has hanahaki?" I shook my head. "I don't get how he can have hanahaki..his boyfriend is so in love with him-" "the rumors are true," David said sitting forward more.

I looked at him for a few seconds. "Really?" "Yeah. Evan knows about Luke. He walked into the bathroom at the wrong time that day...poor guy..." David said sighing quietly. "Delirious is really cheating on him?" David nodded in response. I was so- shocked and confused. How could anyone cheat on Evan Fong?

"Ye look like ye want to say somethin'," David said calmly. I nodded. "I don't get how anyone could cheat on Evan...he seems so great." "He is. Sadly, the guy can't see that Delirious doesn't love him as much as he lets on. His flowers mean jealousy and 'I can't be with you.' We don't know where the other meaning came from. It showed up last week."

Then there was silence. Neither of us said a word to the other. It was just us sitting there. "I think ye could make him really happy." I looked up at him, "really?" He nodded. "Yer a good guy, Jaren. As much as I love Delirious, he's not right for Evan. I think ye and Evan could be a perfect match." I shook my head, "how? I developed feelings for a guy that I had never spoken to and I developed hanahaki after I actually spoke to him." "I think he likes ye." "How can you be so sure?" David let out a little laugh and pulled out his phone. He went to a conversation he had with Evan.


WHAT DO I DO??????


talk to him, you dork.





ev you sound like a 14 year old fangirl

calm down



you do that bud

I chuckled. "He's adorable-" "stop being gay," David smiled down at me and I pushed him playfully. "You're one to talk! Lui told me how you fell in love with him!" I exclaimed. His eyes lit up at that.

"It's a funny story ye see. He had hanahaki and I just- fell in love with him and he fell in love with me. I'm glad I fell in love with him. I wouldn't want anyone else," David's face turned slightly pink. "You two deserve each're both so amazing and sweet."

"Ye know who deserve eachother but are fockin oblivious? Brian and Brock-"

"oh my god! Brock was being so obvious earlier and Brian didn't notice!" David laughed and nodded. "We should get them together." I gasped at his suggestion. Getting Brian and Brock together would be amazing! I nodded and smiled.

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