6. Friends

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Hyunjin's P.O.V

It's been a couple of weeks since we moved to Seoul. Me and Ah Ra haven't been home as often. I would hang out with the guys. Ah Ra would hang out with Minho. I didn't know him very well, but Jisung and the guys did. They seem really close, so I just wanted to know if my sister was hanging out with a good guy.
Hyunjin:" So Minho? Is he a good guy?" The guys nodded.
Seungmin:" A little bit annoying, but he is a good guy. Why you ask?"
Hyunjin:" No reason, just wanted to know."
Jeongin:" It's about your sister? Don't worry he is a good guy."

As time passed, I decided to go home. I said my goodbyes. To go back home I had to pass the liquor store. I glanced at the alleyway, quickly going by it. The air reek of weed and cigarettes, the smell of weed overpowered the cigarette smoke, but you can smell it in the air. You can see people laying down everywhere. Broken glass all over the floor, syringes near trash bins, hardly any inside the bin, a cloud of fog in the air, but it wasn't because of cold air, it was the smoke from there drugs.
...:" what are you doing here?" I pushed against the wall. The guy was wearing a hoodie with a face mask. He moved down his face mask, to speak clearly.
Chan:" Answer me what are you doing here?! I told you not to come back."
Hyunjin:" I was just passing through. I was heading home." He let's me go.
Chan:" Come on, I'll take you home." I nodded and lead him to the house.

Ah Ra's P.O.V

I spend the whole day with Minho and his friends. After all it was the weekend. Although I was hanging out with the rest of the boys, Minho stayed beside me the entire time. I wasn't uncomfortable, kind of felt loved. Minho was always caring. Ever since we met he would greet me in the mornings, buy me breakfast, lunch and dinner, make sure my day is great. He was just a nice to be around. Every now and then he would flirt.

He was going to take me home. My brother was going to home, he was also hanging out with his friends. Mom and dad like always were working late, and would be home until later.

The guys have stated that the area I lived is dangerous at night. The guys were worried to let me go home, so Minho volunteer to walk me home.
Minho:" you know I can walk you home everyday."
Ah Ra:" Are you suggesting or just going to do it?"
Minho:" Both, now lead the way."  He walked with his hands on his pockets, every once in a while he would glance at me.

Once we arrived home, I turned to look at him as he said something but I was distracted by my brother walking with Chan.
Ah Ra:" Hold that thought Minho." Minho's eyes followed me as I speed walked towards them. Hyunjin immediately stood right as I about to slap Chan again. I look at Hyunjin confused.
Ah Ra:" Get out of the way Hyunjin! I told you not to come near my baby brother again!"
Hyunjin:" It's okay-"
Ah Ra:" It's okay? He beat you up last time and now you're okay with him?" Once I tried to go after Chan but Hyunjin stopped me.
Hyunjin:" Listen noona!! He saved me. Twice, he didn't beat me up. He tried to stop the people who did do it, but got hurt as well. He is a good guy."
Ah Ra:" Go inside, now!"
Hyunjin:" But?"
Ah Ra:" Now! And you I want you gone." Pointing at Chan. He backed away and turned around. I watched him as he disappeared into the corner.

Ah Ra:" I'm sorry Minho, can you tell me tomorrow what you were going to ask me. I have my brother to deal with right now."
Minho:" yeah. See you tomorrow?"
Ah Ra:" See you tomorrow. I'm really sorry." He shakes his head and waves goodbye.

I spend all night yelling at my brother. How can he be so careless? I don't care if Chan didn't beat him up. There is just a bad vide about Chan. Trouble! Bad things are going to happen, really bad things.

Chan's P.O.V

WTF! She was going to hit me again, was she?! I'm trying to protect people from going there, and still she thinks I'm the bad guy!

Once I got home, I went to my secret drawer in my room. It was my emergency drawer if I ever needed something to relax me. I open the drawer and took out a stack of my weed, next to it was the pipe. I took a hit and laid down my bed. In a couple minutes I was fully relaxed. My mind was blank, it felt so good. I took a couple more hits until the my room was completely full of smoke. The smell of weed filling up my room. It wasn't the most pleasant smell, but at least I got something good out of it. Completely relaxed and my mind blank I fell asleep with no trouble.

*Next Morning*

I woke up before my alarm. I took a cold shower trying to get rid of the weed smell.

I got ready and head to school. Once again I was early. I walked to my locker and got the things I need for class. From a distance I heard people arguing, the voices started to come closer.
Ah Ra:" Hyunjin, i mean it! Don't talk to him!"
Hyunjin:" Stop! I can talk to who ever i like. You're not the boss of me!"
Ah Ra:" I'm older, so I am. Plus who will protect you? Mom and dad are never around anyways." Steps stop.
Hyunjin:" Stop being a bitch! You're just mad because mom and dad are never home!"
Ah Ra:"lies! You know the truth!" Footsteps speed up.
Hyunjin:" Stop! I don't want to hear it!"
Ah Ra:" Hyunjin! Wait! Stop! Come back, I didn't mean it!"

The footsteps started to get closer and in a matter of seconds, Hyunjin passed me. I quickly grabbed his arm. He faced me, tears falling down his face as he quickly wiped them away.
Hyunjin:" Oh Hyung? Your here early?" I dragged him away to the roof.

Ah Ra's P.O.V

I tried to go after Hyunjin. I hurt his feelings, but he knew the truth why our mom and dad always came late from work.
Ah Ra:" Hyunjin! Wait!"
Minho:" Ah Ra?" I heard Minho's voice from behind me. I quickly stop and looked at him. I instantly felt guilty for leaving him yesterday.
Ah Ra:" Minho, good morning."
Minho:" Did I get you in a bad time?"
Ah Ra:" No, it's fine. Let's go somewhere in private." We walked to the schools garden. I haven't been here before. It was beautiful, I wasn't a huge fan of flowers, but it was still a beautiful spot to be in.
Minho:" Ah Ra? Yesterday....." he rubbed the back of his neck.
Minho:" No, nevermind. I got you in a bad time." He was about to walk away. I quickly grabbed his arm, causing to trip while turning to me. He tried to grab to something, but instead he fell on top of me. Before my head could hit the ground he wrapped his hand around my head.
Minho:" Are you okay?! I'm so sorry!"
Ah Ra:" No I'm Fine. Don't be sorry. I pulled to hard." He sat up, helping me up as well.
Ah Ra:" Anyways, what were going to tell me?"

Chan's P.O.V

I dragged Hyunjin to the roof. He was confused, but still followed me.
Chan:" Go ahead, scream. Let out what you are feeling."
Hyunjin:" Why are you doing this? After everything my sister has done to you."
Chan:" Unlike your sister, I actually care about people feelings. I probably care to much. Go ahead scream."
Hyunjin:" If I scream......will you be my friend?"
Chan:" Why? You should follow your sister's wishes."
Hyunjin:" I can live my own life. Plus I actually want to be your friend." I nodded. He smiled and look out in the distance, screaming his lungs out.

Ah Ra's P.O.V

Minho looked at down. He twirl his fingers. He slapped the ground and stood up. He stood tall as he looked down at me. There was a smirk on his face.
Minho:" Ah Ra, will you be my girlfriend?" My eyes widened. His what? I looked at him as he patiently waited for my answer. In this moment I saw him more charming. He confidence was through the roof, that's what made him more attractive. He knew his looks were stunning and that I had somewhat feelings towards him.
Ah Ra:" Yes, I'll be your girlfriend."

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