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2 days Later

    Midoriya quickly sits forward in the hospital bed. His eyes are wide and he is breathing heavily.

    "Midoriya! Your ok!"

    All Might jumped out of the chair he was sitting in and wrapped his arms around Midoriya. Midoriya showed no sign of noticing this. Recovery girl bursts into the room.

    "Is something wrong? I heard shouting."

    She saw Midoriya sitting up in the bed and ran over to him. "All Might, let go of him for a second. I need to see if he is ok. Why don't you let Aizowa and principle Nezu know he is awake."

    All Might reluctantly leaves the room and hurries down the hall. Recovery Girl is checking Midoriya's vitals. She tries talking to him, but gets no response.

    All Might returns with principle Nezu and Aizowa. Principle Nezu goes to the bed. "Is he ok? Has he said anything?"

    Recovery Girl shook her head. "His vitals are normal, but he isn't responding to anything. All Might, come over here and talk to him."

    "All Might…?" Midoriya said in a tentative whisper.

    All Might rushed over to him. "He said something! Midoriya kid, can you hear me?"

    "All Might?" Midoriya said it louder this time. He turned his head and looked at All Might. All Might expected him to be smiling, but he wasn't.

"Midoriya?" All Might was worried.

    All Might suddenly flew across the room and crashed into the wall. Midoriya was standing on top of the hospital bed. He had punched All Might and had sent him flying. Everyone in the room gasped in shock. All Might sat up on the floor while rubbing his head. Midoriya quickly crossed the room to All Might. He drew his arm back to attack All Might, but couldn't move. He was trapped by Aizowa's capture scarf. Recovery girl ran to All Might and helped him to his feet. Midoriya was struggling against the scarf. Aizowa brought Midoriya over to him.

    "All Might, are you ok?!", principle Nezu exclaimed.

    All Might looked at the furiously struggling Midoriya. "Yes I'm fine, but what's gotten into Midoriya?"

    Principle Nezu walked to Midoriya. "Hello, Midoriya? Why did you attack All Might? Are you ok."

    Midoriya changed his gaze from All Might to principle Nezu. "Why did I attack All Might you ask? Because All Might is just an annoying piece of shit BASTARD that-"

    Aizowa covered Midoriya's mouth with his scarf. They were all taken aback by his outburst. Recovery girl ran to one of her cabinets and returned with a syringe. "Aizowa, hold him still."

She injected Midoriya with the syringe and he slumped to the ground.

    "There, he should be asleep for a few hours."

    All Might was staring at Midoriya. He had no clue why Midoriya was acting like this.

    Principle Nezu broke the silence. "We need to find out what is wrong with him. I will alert his mother that he is awake. We need to find somewhere to keep him where he can't hurt anyone. I will have a room made for him.


Midoriya's subconscious

    Midoriya watched helplessly as he attacked All Might. He was aware of his actions, but could do nothing to stop them.

    "Stop!" Midoriya yelled as he punched All Might across the room.

    "Ahh… so your still awake?"

    "Who are you?"

    "I am you now, well the new you."

    "What do you mean by the new me? What are you? Where am I?"

    "You are in your subconscious. Like I said before, I am you."

    "I still don't understand. How are you me? I can talk to you, so you can't be me."

    "I know you are you, but only in your mind. I am you in the physical world. I control all of your actions. Therefore I am you."

    "Why are you here. Why are you attacking people?"

    "Enough, I am done talking to you. Why do you need to know why when it will make no difference. Just go away. You have no control, no free will, just disappear."

    Midoriya felt himself being pushed farther into his subconsious. His voice was now weak and small.

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