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Three hours later

    Midoriya rose in a bed. He looked around where he was at. There was a mirror in front of him. There was a table beside him and a toilet and sink to his left. There was a door across the room beside the mirror. The mirror must be one way glass. Midoriya looked at himself in the one-way glass. His hair was green and puffy. He had green eyes and scars on his arms and hands. He looked through the original Midoriya's memory for the reason for them. He found the fight against Todoroki and Muscular.

      He knew that he had to get away from the heroes. The entire reason of his existence was to join the league of villains. He could meet the villain that created him. He felt a strong hatred against All Might and the other heroes in society.

    The original Midoriya's teacher walked through the door.

    "Midoriya? Are you feeling better now?"

    Midoriya stared at Aizowa. "Yes I am fine, although there seems to be a mix up."

    He gave Midoriya a look of confusion. "What do you mean by mix up?"

    Midoriya sighed. "Everyone here calls me Midoriya like they know me. They don't. I am not Izuku Midoriya. I am different. I think I need to be called something different so I am not mistaken for someone else."

    Aizowa gave him an incredious look. "What do you mean. Your Izuku Midoriya. Do you remember the fight that happened between you and the villain five days ago?"

    "I do remember the fight. That is precisely why I am not the Midoriya that you know. I am a different person. The old Midoriya is, how do I say this? Deleted, like the memory of an old computer."


    "Yes. Deleted, removed, gone, dead."

    Aizowa turned and left the room.

Other room

    The other staff members were listening to their conversation. All Might had his face in his hands. Nezu started talking.

    " I don't think that Izuku Midoriya is truly gone. I believe that the villain may have a brain washing quirk of some type. They must have brainwashed him into thinking he was a different person. The true question is why."

    All Might looked up. "How could we get the brainwashing to go away?"

   Nezu answered, "I am not sure. We would probably have to find the villain who caused it. I think I will go talk with Midoriya. Aizowa, can you accompany me?"

In the room made for Midoriya

    Nezu wanted to have a chance to talk to Midoriya before he stayed the investigation on the villain. "I can understand that your a different person from our original student. I would like to ask you about yourself and your likes and dislikes."

    He responded,"Ok, the original Midoriya and I have the same ambition to be a hero, but I greatly dislike All Might. I am sure he is across the one-way glass over there listening to our conversation. I owe him an apology for my outburst earlier. I reacted very irrationally." This was almost all lies, but there was no way Midoriya was going to tell them that he was going to the villains. He knew they would never let him out of that room then.

    "Ok, well thank you for telling me a little about yourself. I noticed that you had requested a new name. Midoriya's nickname was Deku. How about we use that name."

    He nodded.

A few minutes before in Midoriya's subconscious

    "Aizowa Sensei! I'm here!"

    "Can you just shut up? They can't hear you!"

    Midoriya gets pushed deeper into his subconscious again by Deku. He knows that he has to let someone outside know that he is still here. Midoriya decides to stay quiet until he finds an opening.

League of villains temporary base.

    "I thought you said that they would be here. What is the holdup?"

    "Be patient Shigaraki. My quirk takes around five days to work properly. Even then the Heroes Will detain him for a while."

    "It's ironic, I never thought that I would work with a brat like that. I hope your quirk works like you say it does."

Back to U.A.

    Principle Nezu was talking to Aizowa.

    "Do you think it is safe to let him attend class with the other students?"

    "I will watch him more than the other students. I will stop him if he attacks anyone."

   "Ok, then it is decided. He can attend class with the other students. He will be able to stay in the dorm."

Deku's room

   Deku watched as principle Nezu walked into the room.

    "I spoke with Midoriya's teacher. We decided It will be ok for you to attend classes with the other students in 1A. I am here to show you to your dorm. Your classmates will be exited to see you, but of course you are a different person."

   Deku was surprised by this. He thought it would be longer before he was let out of the room. He got out of the bed and stood. He had hospital clothes on.

   "Oops, I almost forgot. Your uniform is under the bed. I also have some food ready for you. You must be very hungry."

   Deku crouched and looked under the bed. "Thank You."

   Principle Nezu walked out of the room to get Deku's food. Deku was dressed when he returned. "Here, you can eat it while we walk to the dorm."

   Principle Nezu led Deku to the dorm. "Where is Aizowa Sensei?"

   Principle Nezu answered." He is waiting at the dorm."

    Aizowa was not brought because this was a test to see how Deku would act without a strong hero nearby.

At the dorm 10 minutes before

   "Wait, so your saying Midoriya is a totally different person now?",Kiroshima asked.

   "Yes. We believe that he has been brainwashed into believing so. He will be under almost constant watch because he already attacked someone. He claims to have the same ambitions as Deku, but for some reason hates All Might."

   "He attacked All Might?!" Bakugo asked this because he knows about One for All.

   "Yes Bakugo, I want all of you to be careful around him. He doesn't go by the name Midoriya anymore. He goes by Deku for now."

Back to Principle Nezu and Deku

    "Here is the dorm. Do you remember where your room is?"

   "Yes. Me and Midoriya share the same memories so I know everything he knows."

    Principle Nezu opened the door and Deku entered. All of the other students from class 1A were in the main room. Deku raised his hand and waved. "Hi everyone."

    Principle Nezu walked farther into the room and Deku followed. "Deku, I'm going to leave you to your class. I didn't give you much to eat, but help yourself to any of the food here."

    "Thank you principle Nezu."

   Principle Nezu left and Deku faced the other students. Bakugo was the first to say anything.             "Hey Deku, know who I am?"

    Deku responded, "Yes, Midoriya and I share the same memories so I know everyone here."

    They all stood there in silence. "Ok, this is kind of awkward, so I think I will go to my room."

    Deku left all of them and headed up to his room.

    "He looks the same."

    "He acts so different though."

    "Maybe we should have welcomed him more."

    The students continued to talk about the new Midoriya.

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