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Villain base

    Kurogiri opened the warp. "Honestly I don't know why you do that every day. He isn't going to come through."

   Just as Dabi said this Deku jumped through the warp. He landed on the floor with Eraserhead's capture scarf around his body.


   Deku was being pulled towards the opening. Kurogiri closed the warp and snapped the scarf off. Deku sat up and started to unwrap the scarf from his body.

   Shigaraki came to the door. "Kurogiri, Dabi, what's going on?"

   He spotted Deku on the floor. "Well, I can't believe that actually worked. I owe Narvin a thanks."

     Deku stood and brushed himself off. "So this is where you guys are staying?"

    Shigaraki smiled. "Yes it is, not the prettiest sight." He walked up to Deku. "Hey can he hear me in there?"

    "Yes. He can hear and see everything that goes on around me."

    Shigaraki poked Deku's forehead with his finger. "Hi Midoriya, long time no see. You've been a thorn in my side for quite a while. I'm going to make sure your life falls apart just like mine did. You can sit there and watch while everyone and everything you love gets destroyed." Shigaraki laughs.

    "Hey, where is Narkin? I want to say hi.", Deku says.

    "He left a while ago. He said he would be back in a few days."

    Shigaraki was overjoyed. He could finally get revenge on Midoriya and he now has a powerful ally. He could also get revenge on All Might. This was perfect. He also knew just where to start.

UA conference room two days later

      Principle Nezu was addressing the other teachers in the room. "I believe that I have a lead on where the League of Villains are hiding. There have been anonymous reports of shady occupations of warehouses in Varen city. I will have heroes check the place out. If we find them, then it is likely that Midoriya will be with them"

    Principle Nezu contacts different pro heroes to go to the warehouses.

Two hours later

    The heroes have surrounded the warehouse. Endeavor is sent to the door. He tries the doorknob and it is locked. There are other heroes who look through the windows. It appears to be empty. Endeavor blasts the door open with his fire and steps into the warehouse. Other heroes follow him into the door. The room is dark. He makes fire in his hand and lights the room. He opens a door that leads to the main area of the warehouse. There is a light switch beside the door. He flips it up and the room brightens. The villains are across the room. Kurogiri is no where to be seen.

    Shigaraki stands. "I suppose you are here for Midoriya?"

    Aizowa steps forwards. "Yes, we-"

    "Your reign of terror is over Shigaraki. Your surrounded. Hand over Midoriya and surrender." Endeavor interrupted.

    "Oh, I'm sorry Endeavor, but I can't do that. We don't plan to surrender and you just missed Deku."

    Endeavor was enraged, "Don't play games with me. Where is he?"

    Shigaraki laughed. "I don't know. Maybe you should ask his mother. Oh, and Maybe next time don't leave U.A. unprotected."

    Warps appeared under all of them and they disappeared.

     Realization dawned on all of the heroes. They had been tricked into leaving the school unguarded. Midnight called Principle Nezu at the school.

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