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Deku's room.

    Deku walked over to his bed and sat down. He would wait until tomorrow before he tried to get out of the school. He could jump over the wall surrounding the school using One for All. The wall was meant to keep villains out, not students in. He waited a few hours before going back downstairs. He really was hungry. Principle Nezu told him that he had been asleep for five days.

   Deku walked downstairs. There was nobody in the kitchen area. Kiroshima, Kaminari, Sero, and Ojiro were on the couch watching the tv. They hadn't noticed him. He made himself some tea and grabbed a bag of chips. He was on his way to his room when he saw Uraraka across from him in the hall. She saw him too. She walked over to him. "Hi Deku."

   Deku remembered that she called him Deku before. "Umm, hi Uraraka. He looked down at the stuff in his hands. I was hungry so I went and made some tea. Do you want some? There was extra."


    They both walked down to the kitchen. "Here." Deku handed Uraraka a cup of tea. "Thanks"

   The boys sitting on the couch heard them talking. They turned to see Deku and Uraraka sipping on cups of tea.

   "Hey Mido- umm Deku, want to watch tv with us?"

   Deku looked at the tv. They were watching a comedy. "Yeah, ok."

   Deku sat in the armchair near the couch. Uraraka followed and also sat near the tv. They all watched until late. Laughing at some points. Finally Deku stood. "It's getting late. I think I am going to go and sleep."


   Deku went to his bed, curled up and fell asleep.

Midoriya's subconscious

    "Were asleep, so now can we talk?"



    "Uggh, fine. Only if you shut up afterwards."

    "Ok, why were you put inside of my head, and by whom?"

    "Remember the fight with the villain that you had? His quirk adds a new person to someone's subconscious. He designs the new person and can add them by touching the person who he wants to add it to."

    "What are you supposed to do?"

    "It's obvious isn't it? I'm going to escape the school and join up with the villains. Why else do you think I would be added to you?"


    "No more questions? Good."

    Midoriya knew that he had to get control over his body again, but how?

    Next morning

    Deku woke up and got ready for school. He walked downstairs, ate breakfast, then walked to class. He was the first one there. No one entered the class. He was confused.

   "Deku, are you in here?"

   It was Aizowa.

   "Yeah, where is everyone?"

   "It's the weekend, school is out today."

   "Oh, sorry."

   Deku walked back to the dorm. He found some of the other students from his class in the living space. "Where have you been?"

   Deku's face turned red with embarrassment. "I thought we had school today."

   "Easy mistake to make. Happened to me twice already." It was Kaminari.

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