Part Seven

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It had been a week since they'd last spoken about the Spiderman incident.  Steve and Tony had allowed Peter to see Wade as long as they knew where he was at all times, he came home before curfew, Peter ran it by his dads if he wanted to stay over at Wades apartment, and they didn't have sex in the house, or at all if Tony had his way. Same went for Spiderman, they had to know where he was whenever he went out, when he was going and why. Tony had fixed his suit so that it was stronger and installed comms so that he could communicate with his dads, the Avengers and Jarvis when he needed to.

Both his dads had each had a talk to Wade where they explained that if he hurt Peter at all they would rip off his head and throw it into the middle of the ocean, to which Wade had agreed that that was perfectly reasonable and that they'd also have no need as he'd never hurt him, that he'd hurt himself before Peter. 

Peter jumped when the door to his bedroom was kicked open, he opened his eyes and groaned seeing the time "Seriously?! It's six in the morning! On a Saturday!" He yelled sitting up and rubbing his eyes as he finally looked at the person he was going to kill. His anger quickly disappeared when he noticed just who was standing there "Aunt Nat!" He jumped up and ran over to hug the red headed woman, whom he hadn't seen in around three months, two weeks and five days. Not that he missed her or anything. 

Nat laughed and hugged her nephew tight "Missed you too Peter. Now get dressed we've got some work to do" She explained ruffling his hair with a grin "Meet me in the gym in five minutes or I'm dumping a cold bucket of water over you" She turned on her heels and walked off down the hall disappearing into the building. 

Peter walked into the towers gym four and a half minutes in grey sweats and an old t-shirt, his hair ruffled from sleep. "Whats this about Nat? It's.. It's Saturday" He mumbled through a yawn as he stretched his arms over his head.
"Your dads told me what you've been doing. The Spiderman stuff, and while they're incredibly pissed they are also sort of accepting. So they phoned me to do some training with you. Teach you some moves and make it so they aren't worried you're going to get killed every time you go out on a mission" She explained throwing some wraps at Peter "Get ready"
They spent the next two hours training Peter for virtually every situation he could find himself in, how to get out of them, how to disarm a bad guy. Nat also taught him any type of self defence fighting she believed could help him.

Once they were finished they both moved to sit on the bench and drink the water Steve had left them "Make sure you continue training three times a week for an hour. Steve can help you if you need it but you've done pretty good today, all those years watching me has paid off" She put the cap back onto her bottle and looked over at Peter who looked over "Just be careful Petey.. I know you're eager to get out there and help people but don't try and do it all on your own. We're on the end of a line, phone us if you need help. We won't mind, we won't think any less of you if you do. In fact we'll probably think more of you because you've admitted that you need help. We all care about you so much. Be careful kid"
Peter nodded as he listened to his aunt "I will. I promise, as soon as I can't handle it I'll phone you.. Or someone. I promise you"  Nat smiled and hugged him "Now go shower before breakfast, you stink. And your dads have got a surprise for you" Peter laughed and walked off up to his room to shower.

Peter walked back downstairs twenty minutes later in fresh a fresh pair or jeans and a t-shirt, his hair still wet. He heard a familiar voice halfway down the stairs and scrunched his brows confused, is that? No.. It couldn't be. They wouldn't. He paused and listened for another minute. It is! He rushed down the rest of the stairs and over to the kitchen table and sure enough there was his six foot two hunk of a man. "Wade!" He ran over and threw himself into his boyfriends, thankfully Wades reflexes were amazing and he quickly caught him and hugged him tight "Hi baby boy.." Peter pulled back and gave him a soft but chaste kiss not wanting to do anything to stop Wade from being invited over. 

Steve couldn't help but smile as he watched the two, he could tell that Peter was happy, and even though he didn't know Wade all that well he could see that he was too, or he could fake it incredibly well. Tony was still unsure about the relationship so stayed focused on the cup of coffee in his hands, Natasha wasn't entirely fussed, she'd assessed the situation, made her about the couple, and was happy about it, until Wade hurt Peter and then would change it completely. 

Wade smiled and pecked Peters lips before he put him down onto the floor keeping one arm around his shoulders to keep him close. Peter turned to face his parents "Why didn't you tell me you were inviting Wade over? How did you even get his number?" Steve chuckled "We didn't tell you because we wanted it to be a surprise, we wanted to get to know him. And JARVIS got it for me. How I don't know" He explained as he dished up the pancakes he'd been cooking. 

They all sat down at the table and ate and chatted happily for the next half an hour, when everyone had finished Wade volunteered to do the dishes wanting to stay in Steve and Tonys good books, not that he wouldn't do it at home anyway. Peter helped him wanting to get it done quickly so they could spend the whole day together. Once they'd finished Peter sent Wade upstairs so he could talk to his dads. By that time Natasha had left and they were sitting on the sofa, Steve reading his paper, Tony working on his Stark padd. 

Peter walked through and stood in front of them "Dads? Could you listen for a minute?" They both slowly put down what they were doing and looked to their son "Right.. I know me and Wade haven't been together long but I'd like to stay over his place tonight. I'm sticking to the rules you set you, I'm asking you before hand so don't just shoot me down. Please"
Steve looked to his husband who didn't look happy about it but nodded once, knowing that Peter would either keep pushing them to say yes or just disobey them and sneak out. "Fine. But we wan't a text when you get there and before you go to bed. And.. If you two are going to have sex just be safe. Please use a cond.." Tony's eyes bugged "NO! No sex! No sex at all" 
Peter rolled his eyes "Thank you.. I'll be good" He said walking upstairs to pack some clothes, the two boys walked back downstairs after a while and said goodbye before they walked downstairs into the busy Saturday morning New York traffic.

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