An Unconventional Love

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Spiderman sat on top of the building holding his hand to the gash on his leg. His suit was shredded with a large cut down the middle after his fight with the lizard. He slowly stood, wincing at the pain that shot through him and moved over to the backpack he had stashed on the roof prior to the fight. After all he couldn't just swing into his house in full spidey gear, his dads might get a little suspicious seeing as they didn't know that Peter was Spiderman.  Maybe he should just sleep on the roof tonight?

He sighed and reached to grab his jeans and hoody. He was just taking his pants off when he heard a thud from behind him, causing him to quickly turn around ready to fight, but froze when he saw a larger man standing there in a red and black suit, two large katanas poking out the back and guns holstered on each leg, yeah maybe he shouldn't fight this guy, he got the feeling it wouldn't end well.

Deadpool jumped down from the roof above the one Spiderman was on when he saw him start to undress. 'Now this should be interesting' He thought to himself  'No we should just leave him alone' The other voice countered making him shout at the voices in his head. He landed on the roof with a thud and analysed the obviously younger boy in front of him.

They stood in silence for a minute, thought it felt like years before the mercenary finally spoke "So Spidey, just felt like stripping on a rooftop did we? Well don't stop on my account" He smirked under the mask and moved to sit cross legged and watch.

Peter obviously couldn't strip now, he had to take his mask off. Or he could leave it on.. yeah that works too. He thought nothing of it and walked away hiding behind an air duct as he peeled his pants off. He definitely couldn't do that in front of the other man seeing as he often didn't wear boxers under his suit. Chaffing issues. He slid on a pair of boxers he had stashed in his bag and walked back round to pick up the jeans he had dropped, the full extent of his leg injury on view for Deadpool.

Deadpool leaned forward and looked over the cut  'He cant leave that cut like that'  'Yes he can. It's none of our business'  'Well we should make it our business!' The voices argued before he hit his head making them stop for just a little. "You cant leave that wound like that. I can stitch it for you?" He offered making Peter look back. Could he trust him, maybe not be he couldn't go home. "You can do it here?"
Deadpool nodded and pulled out a needle and thread from his utility belt "Never know do ya?" 

Peter smiled a little and pulled off his shirt before tugging on his dark blue hoody, leaving his mask on as he sat down in front of the merc in his boxers "Thanks I appreciate it"
"No problem, just call me your knight in shining armour" He grinned at him from under the red and black mask as he threaded the needle. "Deadpool by the way" He nodded "Spiderman"

Peter watched him carefully as his hands worked the needle perfectly, only making him wince every so often, Deadpool looked up and grinned at him before leaning down into his thigh and biting the thread, his lips brushing over the skin as he did causing Peter to shudder at the sensation.
Deadpool looked up and smirked a little before leaning back to put the stuff away "So know I've done you a favour. How about you do me one?" He asked making Peter quirk a brow "What kind of favour" 

"Take the mask off" He replied wanting to see who he was talking to, the rest of his body was nice so the face had to be. At least he hoped it was. Peter shook his head instantly "No. Definitely not. Whats the point in having a secret identity if its not secret" Deadpool nodded slowly "You take yours off I'll take mine off?" Peter thought about it for a minute before nodding "Okay you got  deal. No killing each other once we find out though" Deadpool chuckled "Of course not. Scouts honour" He held up the scouts promise, truthfully Peter was curious as to what he looked like, he had a nice voice and that generally went with a nice face

They sat for a minute before they both reached for their masks, tugging them off at more or less the exact same time. Peter revealing his face and messy brown hair. Deadpool showing the scars that move and heal, his shady blonde hair that was matted to his face because he had been sweating. Peter gasped a little before quickly realising that was rude "Sorry. Wasn't what I was expecting" 
"Don't worry. I've heard worse that a gasp. Pitchforks and torches, stuff like that" He replied making Peter laugh a little

They sat talking for a while before Deadpool finally asked the question he'd been dying to ask "Whats it like having Iron Man and Captain America as dads?"  Peter looked at him shocked "How do you know that? I never told you that!"  "Chill chill. I've seen you with them. I watch the streets, I've seen you around. So? Peter? Whats it like?"

Peter froze, crap, he wasn't supposed to know his name. They were supposed to leave and never see each other again. New York is a big place, that could still happen. "You know its not bad" He replied after fighting with himself "Bit weird that we're in the papers quite a bit and that I get bullied at school because of  it 'Weedy Peter with the gay dads' but its cool" Deadpool nodded, he didn't like that peter got bullied, why didn't he like it? 'Maybe cause you like him?'  'No he cant, that can never happen!'  "I'm Wade by the way. Seeing as I know your name you should get to know mine" Peter nodded "Well Wade its nice to meet you but I should get going home" Wade frowned a little "Really? You have to go?" Peter nodded reluctantly, he really didn't want to, there was something different about Wade. He intrigued Peter and he definitely wanted to find out more but he dads would be worrying "Yeah my dads are  probably worried sick" Though you could say you were staying at Gwen's for the night. They like her and probably wouldn't mind, say its for a project.

Peter twisted his lips before reaching back for his bag and calling Tony "Hi Dad. Listen I'm staying at Gwen's tonight, got a big science project due and we need to get it done. Yep I'll see you tomorrow" He smiled when Tony grunted an answer and hung up putting his phone back in his bag. "You're now a girl called Gwen. Now lets go get some food I'm starving"  Wade couldn't help but grin and stood helping Peter up because of his leg, he smiled and pulled on his jeans and converse. He stuffed his spiderman suit into his backpack before Wade walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder teleporting them back to his dingy flat.

Peter groaned and almost fell to the floor, Wade quickly catching him "Sorry! I forget not everyone can do that. Teleportation, one of the many wonders that is Deadpool!" He grinned as Peter looked at him, blushing at how tight Wade was holding his waist "Thanks" He breathed, Wade grinned seeing the blush and gently sat him down on the ripped up sofa before disappearing again.

Wade returned a few minutes, making Peter jump as he landed on the sofa placing a bag on his lap "Tacos!" Peter chuckles "Why did you bring me to your apartment?" Wade shrugs "You cant walk around with that leg and this way you get to sit down and eat without moving" Peter smiled liking that he cared so much. Wade stood again and pulled off his utility belt, guns and katanas before sitting unwrapping one of his tacos quickly starting to dig in.

"You like tacos" More of a statement but Wade still nodded grinning as he took bite after bite of the tacos. Peter smiles in awe of how fast he could eat and slowly started to bite into his first taco, quickly realising that he was in a strange mans apartment who could probably kill him quicker than he said taco, whom he revealed his true identity to, something he hadn't done to anyone yet. Yeah there was definitely something different about this guy.

They sat and ate silently the only sound the crunch and crack of the shells, once finished Wade sighed and draped his arm over the back of the sofa, getting comfy as he kicked his feet up onto the coffee table. Peter looked over to him and stifled a yawn, completely exhausted by the fight and his whole day "You can sleep here tonight if you want?" Peter smiles in thanks "I may take you up on that, thanks" Wade shook his head "S'okay"

They sat watching TV before Peter drifted off into sleep, falling down into Wades side as he did. Wade looked down shocked but made no attempt to move him realising just how much he liked the boy pressed up against him. He smiled and gently stroked Peter's soft brown hair earning a sigh and a shuffle as he moved and placed a hand on wades chest as he slept. His smile grew into a grin at that and he sat watching Peter sleep for at least an hour, before moving to lay down pulling Peter onto his chest to which he made no complaint and Wade slowly drifted into sleep, his arms wrapped tight around the boy.

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