Part Two

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Thanks so much to everyone that has read the story so far. Tell your friends! I'm nervous about updating, so comment and vote if you like it.  Then I'll keep uploading for you.

Katie xx

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Peter slept soundly the whole night, the best he had slept in months since his run in with the spider that bit him. He either had nightmares that woke him up and forced him to stay awake or he didn't get in till so late he had to go to school straight away. Wade rarely slept but once he was he slept like the dead, not even an earthquake would wake him.

Peter woke at ten AM which worried him at first before he realised it was a Saturday and snuggled back into the pillow. Pausing as he realised that it most definitely wasn't a pillow.. Unless someone had invented a pillow that breathed. He thought for a second before remembering what had happened and who he had met, a large grin spreading over his face as he remembered how sweet Wade had been.  He looked up to the merc and blushed as he saw Wade was already awake and watching him
"You're cute when you sleep." This caused Peter to turn a darker shade of red "And even cuter when you blush" Peter turned a beetroot shade.

"I should really get home soon" Peter said starting to sit up, ending up straddling him as he moved from his laying position atop Wade. Wade smirked a little and placed his hands on his hips, more affectionate than sexual, which was strange. Wade hadn't felt like this in a long time. He hadn't liked someone in a long time and he was confused at the feeling back then, but he knew for sure now. He liked Peter and he was damned if he was letting him walk away "Wait! Can I get your number?"

Peter looked down to him as he heard those words and smiled, thinking it over. He was sure he liked Wade but this was all happening so fast, they had only met 12 hours ago and he already spent the night. He thought about saying no but then he realised that he would miss him, he had to know "Yeah.. Yeah okay" He took a piece of paper out of the book in his bag and wrote his number and name down leaving it on the coffee table. "Now I really do need to go" Wade nodded and helped him up standing with him "I can take you home? Teleport?"  Peter shook his head "It's okay, I'll get a cab"

Wade nodded slowly, truthfully he just wanted to spend more time with him, to hold him close again "Okay. Well I'll call you, take you out on an actual date?" Peter smiled "Sounds good. I'll talk to you soon then" They both smiled and walked to the door, Wade grabbing Peter's hand and pulling him back into chest before he had a chance to walk out of his apartment. To which he earned a gasp from Peter and he looked up to Wade as he cupped his chin bringing their lips together in a soft kiss.

Peter's eyes widened at the sudden kiss but his eyes slowly fluttered close as he started to kiss him back. Their lips moving together in perfect unison Peter's stomach flipping over and over in excitement as they kissed. Wade smiled as he felt the  brunette kiss back, thinking that he would have just been pushed away and punched, but it was definitely a nice surprise.

Wade pulled away as his phone rang and sighed "I'll call you. Soon" He promised Peter who nodded, the wide grin still plastered on his face "I'll see you." Peter smiled and walked off, slinging his backpack over his shoulder as Wade walked back in and answered his phone still smiling.

Two weeks later

It was the end of a Friday afternoon, Peter had spent a long day at school and was starting to walk home, his ipod on full blast to drown out the noises of the streets around him. It had been exactly two weeks since he and Wade had meet and he was upset he didn't call. He couldn't really understand why he didn't call, he thought Wade liked him,  after all he kissed him and that was the best kiss Peter had had, he didn't know about Wade but he hoped he enjoyed it.

Just as Peter left his apartment that day Wade had been asked to do a job and he couldn't exactly turn it down, he was broke and desperately needed the money if he was going to take Peter out on a date. He wanted to phone him so much over the two weeks but couldn't risk anyone finding out where he is, or someone finding out about Peter and hurting him, so he kept quiet and did his work quickly. As soon as he got back to New York he rushed back to his apartment and jumped in the shower "Where would he be?"  "Duh.. It's 4pm on a Friday, he'll be going home after school"  "Really you are so stupid"  Wade sighed and hit his head causing the voices to shut up just for a bit, quickly showering and washing the dried blood out of his hair. He dressed quickly once he was dried and pulled his hood up covering his face before teleporting to the school nearest the Stark tower, he looked around and teleported to different places before spotting the brown mop of hair in the crowds. Wade grinned and dropped down in front of him "Peter!"

Peter jumped as he saw someone in front of him making a little yelp in shock and stepped back before pausing "Wade?" He asked as he pulled out his headphones. Wade nodded and looked up so that Peter could see his face

"Hi.." Wade said sheepishly

"You were supposed to call me Wade. What happened? I thought you liked me" Peter mumbled quietly

"I wanted to but I got called out on a job and I couldn't risk anyone finding out about you. I didn't want you to get hurt. I do like you Peter. I got back an hour ago showered off the sweat and came straight to see you. I couldn't let you go on thinking bad of me. I'm sorry.. I really am. Will you forgive me?" Wade asked, Peter smiling as he listened before leaning up, kissing him softly for a minute before slowly pulling away

"I forgive you"

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