f o r t y - s e v e n

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"Ugh 2 months have been gone soo fast! Are you sure you gonna go out with Taeyong?" Kun asked.

"Yep! Besides he won't notice anything! Look i don't look pregnant at all!" I said and showed myself to them.

"Yep! Besides he won't notice anything! Look i don't look pregnant at all!" I said and showed myself to them

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"I feel quite cute." I said and smiled.

"You are!" Said kun.

"I kinda miss the piercings :(" jaehyun said in a sad voice.

"I'll put them back after pregnancy or something. I really can't see myswlf with a pregnant belly and piercings." I laughed.

"HE'S HERE GUYS!" Kun said.

"Okidoo!" I said and went to the front door greeting the boys and going to Taeyong's car.

"Seulgi!" Taeyong said.

"TaeTae! Are you ready to go to the cafe?" I asked and he nodded.

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