Chapter 1

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A/N: Hi guys I hope you like me new story!! Some people said I should get a beta so I asked my friend to proofread and she helped a lot. Hopefully I will improve now!! I'm going to try and update every Saturday and Wednesday (when i can lol) Anyway please enjoy an dlet me know what you think!!!


Thoughtless at first, but ere eve's star appeared

His phantasy was lost, where reason fades

The red sun, one of two suns that floated in the sky casting a weak mellancholy light through the polluted ar, scorched the makeshift camps of Tintagel. Merlin sighed deeply exhausted. He had worked through the nights long darkness helping to house the lastest refugees from King Uther's on going war with the Mercian Galaxy. It had been a war that had dragged through the years of Merlin's life with Uther becoming increasing desperate to unite the fractured Albian Nebula: a cause, which would have been far more worthy, in Merlin's opionion, had the King not combined this with a fierce persecution of magic users.

To most Uther was a fair and a just King who waged war out of a desire for peace and freedom for all, but Merlin had seen to much death and suffering in his time to cheer proudly for the soldiers the way others did, lining up to watch there parade and working endlessly to support the charities in their favour, unaware that they had been set up by the very institution that ensured they were wounded in the first place, and blandly ignoring the people who needed help the most, cast our of their homes and with nothing lef tof there planets but dust an floating rocks. He had been thrown into helping at the refugee camps after becoming one himself, forced to leave his tiny home dwarf planet of Ealdor when a rogue space lord captured it, and butchering its citizens and laying waste to its fertile green forests and open fields of produce.

Merlin dreamed of a time that he could return, that he could find out what fate had befallen his mother, but until then he was stuck on the firey Tintagel, unable to know if she wassafe, or even if she was alive. Daily he had looked for her in the crows when he'd first become resident on this planet, but now his hope had dwindled, sparking only when he saw a ditant blue headscarf among the croweds, only to be quickly crushed when he realised it wasn't her. It was never her.

Merlin was pulled from his contemlation by the clattering arrival of Gwen, ihs friend and colleague. He swirled around from the window and smiled at her widely taking one of the food crates she carried from her strong but delicate arms. Gwen hadn't come here as a refuge, she had been raised in Tintagel, her father was a local repairman. As the entire area had never been one of the more affluant corners of the galaxy they were by no means wealthy, and Gwen had been helping her father's shop for years before she had started working at MSA – Merlin's chatity.

"Did you even go home last night?" she asked, setting down the other on the counter that ran through the camps kitchen.

"I sleept." Merlin replied, hoping Gwen would fail to notice that that was not an answer to question. Judging by her knowling look, it did not work. He shrugged.

"We have a big day ahead. His Royal Highness Prince Arthur will only want to see the most photographic orphans. I spent the night picking out just the right one that'll pull at the heartstrings when Arthur's splashed over the front covers." Merlin explained.

"Merlin!" Gwen was scandalised at Merlin's sarcasm and he sighed and rubbed a ahand down his face.

"I'm sorry, this is just such a bad time Gwen!" Merlin alsmost cried, they were so swamped, aside from the regugees from the war two cities in the Escatian territories had been attacked by Raiders and transport ships were bringing people in daily, some suffered aggressively from shock and dehydration, they had to get everyone settled. Fortunately Merlin had a way of ensuring they never rand out of clean water, but it stilt ok time and the process was exhaistig.

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