Chapter 20: Ross... again

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Tony's POV

What in the world does Ross want?

"What do you want Ross?" I say, hatred dripping from my voice.

"Come on Stark, this is just business." Ross says over the phone.

"So barging into my home and trying to kill my intern is just business? Hmm.. weird." I say harshly.

"Yes, that was business. And though I'm still dealing with that I have something else I need you to do."

"What ever it is, I'll probably say no but keep on talking."

"Don't worry Stark, I just need to to give out a message to one of your friends."

"Depends. What do you want me to say and to whom?"

"I need you to tell a certain spider that we need them to sign the accords. Or else we will take action immediately."

"You're gonna have to be specific. I know two spiders."

"That little Spider-Man. He's reckless and isn't working with us. He's only causing trouble. He has to sign the accords or else. We are going to find him either way."

"Why? He only helps people."

"That's besides the point. He does it outside the law."

"So you're saying you want him in because you don't have any power over him."

"No, I'm saying that we can't have rouge super hero's wandering around trying to save the day."

"What about me, huh? What about Cap? What about the rest of the Avengers?"

"You're saying that as if we haven't been trying to get you under control for the last year. And we still are getting on that. But to be quite frank, it's easier to go after the little guys. So tell your friend-"

"Let me be clear. I don't know the guy. He has just helped me on a couple of missions. So I don't know why your telling me this. He's not my friend, just a coworker. And I don't know his identity."

"I assumed that you-"

"Yeah well stop assuming. Either way I'm against it. And I'm gonna fight you on it any way I can. I hope you got the mandatory invitation to our little court meeting at the end of next week. I think this would be the perfect thing to bring up, so thank you. And please, for both our sakes, don't call this number again. Or else I'll have to block you."

"I'm not done talking to you Sta-"

"Friday end call." I say as his voice goes away.

What am I going to do? Okay, okay, okay. Let's call Pepper.

Two minutes and five unanswered calls later...

I tried calling her and she didn't answer. Who else can I tell? Oh! Cap!

I run to his room. I knock on the door and hear some shuffling.

"What?" I hear a raspy voice call out.

"Look Steve, I have something really important I need to talk to you about."

"Can't it wait till tomorrow?" He asks.

"It's about Peter." As soon as I say that I hear shuffling and then the door opens.

"Let go to the lab, no one should be there." Steve says. I lead the way.

Once we get to the lab I close the door.

"Okay so what's this about?" Steve asks.

"Just listen to this recording and then we can discuss." I say pulling it up

"Okay then." He says as he sits down.

After we listen to the recording Steve looks very tense.

"What are we gonna do?" Steve asks looking at me.

"I don't know. We need to keep Peter from being Spider-Man until we can get this settled. Hopefully it will only be for a week, until I can go to court with Ross." I say.

"When are you gonna tell him?"

"Tell who?" I ask.

"Tell Peter of course!" Steve says.

"Oh. I really don't think we should. I need to protect him."

"Tony, not telling him only hurts him. He needs to be able to watch his back. And we both know that he's not just gonna stop being Spider-Man for no reason." Steve says as I sigh. I was afraid he'd say that.

"Fine, I know. I need to tell him. But I can't tell him everything. Just what he absolutely needs to know. Okay?"

"Fine, but when are you going to tell him?"

"I'll tell him on his last day."

"Tony." Steve says sternly.

"I don't want to ruin his break! Okay! He works his butt off and needed this break. I can't ruin it for him."

"Fine, but how are you gonna tell him?"

"I'll drive him home on Sunday, it will just be me and him. Then I'll tell him. Okay?"

"Okay. Are we still on for going to the tower? I know it's risky but I need to be there for Peter. And I know the others feel the same."

"I know, I know. But it's soooo dangerous." I say dragging out the 'so'.

"I get that Tony, but we all really want to be there. I know that me and the others don't like being cramped up here. And yes, I know that it's big. I just, need to go back to the tower." Steve says, almost begging.

"Technically it's Stark Industries tower now. So, you would only be able to go in about twenty percent of it." I say.

"That's all I'm asking." Steve says.

"Okay, I guess we can work something out. But you all will have to wear disguises. And we will be going in by car. A jet would be way to suspicious." I say looking at Steve.

"Any way you need us too Tony. I- We just need to be there."

"Alright, I'll get it arranged. But you most likely can't come back till after my court meeting on Friday. So you guys can come back that Saturday."

"That's fine with me. I just don't think I can have that little ball of joy in the same house as me for two weeks and then go back to normal."

"Yeah, he really does that too you."

"Alright, we can talk about this more in the morning, goodnight Tones."

"Yeah, whatever, night." I say as we both head back to our rooms.

This is going to be a busy two weeks.


1034 words.

Wow, this chapter feels a lot shorter compared to the others right? To be fair I was planning on it only going to a thousand words per chapter anyways. Next chapter will be good.

Also I'm publishing a new book today (21-6-19) so check it out if you want. It's still a Peter-Tony book, just different. So yeah. Check it out if you want, if not then that's chill too. Thanks, love you. ♥️

Tony Stark and his not-son son Peter Parker Where stories live. Discover now