Chapter 28: The gods

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Peter's POV

It's finally Friday, I get to spend the weekend with Dad! I'm so excited because it's a three day weekend. Because our school has a facility day or something, I only really pay attention to the fact that we get to miss a day!

It's been two weeks since Tony took Ross to court. And a very eventful two weeks at that. Ross is no longer a general. So we don't have to worry about him, and the rest of the crew are almost free! Dad said it would only be a bit longer so that's cool. But, even more exciting, they are gonna stay this weekend too! I'm super excited! And I finally got to be Spider-Man again after the break and another week added on to that. It's been really nice getting back to normal. Or well my normal.

After having a long day at school and hanging out with Ned and MJ all day I head to the front. There I see Happy's car waiting for me. So I hope in the front.

"Hey Happy!" I say as he grunts in response.

"Oh how was my day?" I ask sarcastically as he playfully rolls his eyes.

"It's was good thanks for asking. Me and Ned built his new LEGO set during lunch and band, that was pretty fun. Then MJ gave me a new book to read, which I'm excited about. Oh yeah! And they announced that they are gonna have a end of school dance type thing in two weeks. Which is chill I guess." I say as Happy raises his eyebrow. I knew he listened.

"You gonna take your MJ friend?" He asks as I blush.

"Happy! No, she's just a- a friend." I say back as he smirks, proud of himself that he got to me.

"I've been listening you ramble on about her all year." He says as he pulls into the towers private parking garage.

"Soooo not true. I just talk about my friends a lot." I say as he chuckles.

"What ever you say kid." He says as he parks the car and I hope out.

"Thanks Happy!" I say as he grunts in response as I run the the elevator.

Once getting off I run to put my stuff in my room and then go to the couch to wait for anyone to appear.

After around five minutes I got impatient.

"Friday, where is everyone?" I ask as Friday kicks in.

"They are out on a mission, they should be back by tomorrow morning. Boss told me to inform you not to worry." She says as I sigh.

"I wasn't invited. Rude." I say back.

"Boss wanted to inform you that you were not here so you couldn't come. Also you are far to young he says." Friday says as I roll my eyes.

I just shrug my shoulders and head to the kitchen. Since nobody will be back for a while that means it's the perfect time for me to eat ice cream and watch a movie. Hmm... what movie should I watch? I grab a pint of strawberry ice cream, my favorite, and head to the living room. I plop on the couch and grab the remote.

I'm thinking I should watch a scary movie, how about A Quiet Place. Not to scary but enough to keep you on your toes. I pick it and start to watch.

"Friday, turn off all the lights please." I say as she does so with out another word.

Around fourth five minutes in it starts to rain outside. With heavy lighting. Weird, it wasn't supposed to rain. But I let it pass.

After another five minutes a huge lighting strike comes down. Making a loud crack. This makes me jump up.

"Calm down Peter. It's just lighting." I say to my self as I go to sit down.

As soon as I sit back down I hear the door to the balcony open, with glass shattering. Someone is breaking in! Wait, from the roof?

Time to investigate. I double tap my bracelets together and my suit forms around me. I then make my way to the door by crawling up the ceiling. I doubt anyone would see me because I had Fri turn the lights off. I can see because of my suit and my heightened senses.

I crawl down the hallway and see two mysterious people at the end of it. One very buff a tall and the other slim and just a bit shorter. Both with long hair.

"Karen make sure you get this." I say quietly.

I immediately jump down and web then both tightly to the wall next to each other. I hear them struggle as I walk in front of them.

"Friday, turn on the lights." I say as they flash on, making them both squint.

I immediately make my mask disappear and my jaw drops as I see the two gods, Thor and Loki, standing in front of me.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry m, I- I thought- you guys were-" I start until I see Loki pull out a knife, cut himself free and then push me against a wall. Threatening me with a knife.

"Brother, stop. He is a mere child." Thor says and he tries to rip himself free, using his hammer in the end.

Loki takes a step back to look at me and puts his knife away.

"Alright child. Who are you? What are you doing here?" He asks in a threatening tone as Thor stands next to him.

"I- I- uhhh. I'm Peter, Peter Parker-Stark." I say holding out my hand as Thor takes is.

"Very firm grip child." He says as I grin a bit.

"Did you say Parker-Stark? Stark as in Tony? Are you implying that you are kin to him?" Loki says looking at me curiously.

"He not my biological dad. He adopted me, along with Pepper and my Aunt." I say as he looks contempt.

"Well then, let us talk. Shall we?" He asks as I nod. I lead him to the conference room. We sat across from each other while Thor sat two chairs down from Loki.

"Alright young Stark, where are the Avengers at the moment?" Thor asks as I blush a bit. It feels weird getting called a Stark, but I could get used to it.

"They are on a mission." I say as Loki nods.

"And you? Are you some child soldier? How did Tony come upon you?" He asks as I look at Thor occupying himself by flipping his hammer.

"I am Spider-Man. I am basically half spider. And Tony discovered me through Spider-Man. We then became close after a while of hanging out. He has just recently partially adopted me, with my Aunt. Who has half guardianship over me." I say as I look down realizing what I'm doing. Wait? Why am I trusting this man? I
mean Dad trusts Thor and Thor trusts him. I've already told him everything so I guess I have to stick with it.

"Well that is interesting indeed. I would never peg Stark for a father type." Loki says while looking like he's lost in a thought.

"So when will they return, and why are you not with them? If you have such abilities of your own?" Thor asks looking up.

"I didn't come here in time, and they should be back by tomorrow morning. Any more questions?" I ask while tapping my wrists together, making my suit leave my body and go back into my sleek metal bracelets while Thor stairs in awe and Loki looks slightly impressed.

"No, I think that will be all. Though we will be staying here tonight if that is alright with you, young Stark. I know Thor has his own room, is there a guest room?" He asks as I nod.

"Yeah, I'll show you. And please, call me Peter."
I say as I walk out. With them following me.

It's going to be a very interesting weekend.


1349 words

I hope you enjoyed the start to this little adventure. Loki & Thor & Peter? What could go wrong 😈

Thank you so much for reading! I really appreciate it. :) please check out my other book for a different experience. Luv U ♥️

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