Chapter 32: Good for us

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Peter's POV

I woke up early the next morning and took a nice, long, hot shower. It feel amazing and helped a lot with the stuffiness from last night. After talking a shower I got dressed for school and went to the kitchen.

I reach for the cereal when I see Dad walk in.

"What are you doing up? And in your school clothes?" He asks.

"Well duh, I'm going to school today." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"You were sick yesterday with the flu and you had a fever. There is no way that you can be one hundred percent today." He says as he walks up to me and puts his hand on my head.

"Well you don't have a fever but I still think you should stay here, your still contagious." He says as I scoff.

"Daaaadd, I'm fine, really. I feel amazing, and I've already had a three day weekend plus a sick day. That means I've been here for four days. And if I stay here another then I would have only went to school twice this week." I say back.

"Well when you say it like that then it sounds bad. Are you sure you feel good? You feel one hundred percent?" He asks again.

"I swear, I feel amazing. Now, may I go to school? Pretty please?" I ask and he chuckles.

"I've never heard a kid beg to go to school, but yes. But only if I get to drive you." He says, sliding in that last comment quickly.

"Uuuggghhhh, fine. Okay, just let me finish my cereal and we can leave." I say as he pumps his fists in victory.

I eat cereal and then go back to my room to get my bag. After that we go down to the garage.

"Alright kid, what car should we drive today?" He asks.

"I think you known my answer." I say as I point to the plain black car in the corner. It's his least flashy car.

"Really? That's literally my most boring car." He says with an eye roll.

"That's the point dad, I cant be pulling up in a one hundred and twenty thousand dollar car." I say as he chuckles.

"That's cute, you think my cars are only 'hundred twenty grand. But fine, but one of these days we are going to." He says as I roll my eyes again.

"Sure we are dad." I say sarcastically as he chuckles.

We drive to school, chatting the whole way there. When we get there I say goodbye and he drives off. I run inside to where me, Ned, and MJ always meet up in the mornings, our lockers.

I run up to them and say hi.

"Peter! Where were you yesterday man? I haven't seen you in four days." Ned says as I just chuckle.

"Yeah loser, you just, like, disappeared." MJ says as she looks up from her book for a half second.

"Oh I was sick, but don't worry, I'm completely better now." I say as Ned nods.

"That's cool, here I got any assignments that you missed." He says as he digs in his bag and gives me the papers.

"Thanks Ned, oh and guess who took care of me yesterday?" I say as Ned's eyes light up and MJ raises an eyebrow.

"Who!?" Ned asks.

"Loki, like LOKI Loki. Him and Thor are in town and nobody was home yesterday except them, so Loki took car of me and made me soup." I say as Ned looks at me in awe.

"That is sooooo cool dude. What's he like? Is he like mean? Or evil?" He asks.

"Your life is super weird dude." MJ says as I chuckle.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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