thirty two - sound waves

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taiyou p.o.v.

     the ninja chuckled. "my name... is orochimaru."

     they threw my team's heaven scroll into the air, then caught it. "as to what i want, that will have to wait until we meet again, which won't happen until you finish this test with the best score of all." the scroll began to burn in their hands, causing my eyes to widen. 

     "if you're finished, why don't you just beat it?! if we never meet again, it'll be too soon!" sakura shouted.

     "oh... he and i will meet again." the ninja performed a hand sign, then extended their neck to the point where it could reach sasuke's neck. their sharp teeth sank into sasuke's neck.

     i tried to get out of my paralyzed state as hard as i could, but nothing would change. my eyebrows furrowed as i belted, "w- what the hell are you doing?!" 

     when the ninja's head went back to their body, sasuke began to twitch. when the raven fell to the ground, i finally was able to find the strength to move again. i ran over to the boy and held him steady. "what'd you do to him!?" i yelled. 

     "i just gave him a little parting gift. very soon, sasuke will seek me out in desire of my power. in the meantime, i enjoyed the demonstration the power he already possesses." the ninja purred as they melted into the branch they stood on. 

     as i clenched my jaw together in anger, i began to examine the bite he just got. sakura ran over to the two of us, and held him close to her. as the uchiha just kept screaming from the pain, tears began to form in my eyes. "it's alright, sasuke. i- it'll be alright. you'll be fine, you'll be fine... please..." i sobbed.

     "n- naruto! sasuke's hurt! we need you! naruto, please!" sakura belted, in hopes that the boy would come and help us. 

     "s- sakura... he's unconscious. b- but we can do this, alright? let me think for a minute." i stood up and faced away from the two, and tried to find a way to help the situation we were in.

     "i... i don't know what we can do."

     "damn it, sakura, neither do i!" i belted. "b- but we have to find something!"

     the pinkette looked at me with worrisome eyes. "m... maybe we could find a shelter while we wait for the two to get better? they could rest there, and if it's well hidden, we could stay away from enemies for awhile."

     "you're right. i'll look around for a place, y... you wait here."


     sakura and i sat under an empty tree stump with sasuke and naruto sleeping by each of our sides. i turned to my side and felt the uchiha on my right's forehead, and it only seemed to be getting warmer. i sighed, "he still has a high fever." 

     the pinkette attempted to smile. "but at least he's breathing normally now."

     "yeah, that's good..." i gave her a small smile, then frowned. 'if only he were awake.'

     "look, things are up to the two of us girls now. we have to put any differences we had between us aside, right here and right now." 

     "i agree. what did we even have in between us in the first place?" sakura and i both looked at our raven-haired teammate, then began to laugh. "that's right. y'know, sakura... you're not as bad as you used to be. you can still get on my nerves sometimes, but so do other people."

     she gave me a smile. "really?" she asked. "thank you, taiyou. you're not as bad as when we were younger, either."

     "t- thank you. maybe when all of this is over, we could hang out."

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