nineteen - a bet

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taiyou p.o.v.

     "what does that have to do with being an idiot?!" i yelled and ran forward to catch up with the boy. 

     "it just does." sasuke said, shrugging his shoulders.

     "hmph, maybe y- you're the idiot! ever thought of that?!" a faint blush went onto my cheeks as i attempted to jeer at the boy.

     the raven let out a soft chuckle, but then quickly dropped his face into a faint frown. 'there he goes again. it's like he doesn't let himself be happy.' i thought to myself, my own face dropping into a faint frown. 

     we began to walk into the forest, and as we did, a person with long black hair and a pink short sleeved kimono passed us. i looked back at the person as we got farther away from them, not being able to shake the feeling that i've seen them before. "i've seen a lot of weird things in my life before, but this one takes the cake!" a familiar voice exclaimed. 

     "naruto, where have you been?! you scared me to death, i was worried about you!" i scolded the boy as sasuke hit him over the head.

     "oh, hey tai- ow! hey, what'd you do that for?!" the blonde yelled at the boy as he held his head.

     "hey, dork, did you just forget about breakfast? you're such a loser..." the raven sighed as he crossed his arms.

     'that reminded me,' my stomach growled as i put my arms around my waist, 'i didn't even get to eat breakfast!' 


     sitting on a high branch, i began to swing my legs. "a'yo, naruto! when do you think you're gonna be done training? i'm hungry!" i yelled at my blonde teammate as he giggled. 

     "you didn't even eat breakfast either, s-" i furrowed my eyebrows and continued to yell until i heard sakura and kakashi walk towards us. 

     "naruto!" the pinkette called out. 

     the blonde looked at me and let out a low giggle. "psst, taiyou! watch this!" he whispered. 

     i raised my right eyebrow at the boy and crossed my arms. "what're you gonna do now?" i whispered back.

     "just watch!" he put a dopey smile on his face.

     "knowing naruto, he could be anywhere, and sasuke and taiyou haven't come back either. i wonder where they are..." as sakura stopped to looked around, naruto threw a kunai knife at the ground in front of her.

     the girl and kakashi gasped as they looked up at where naruto was laying. "woah, naruto can climb that high now by using his chakra? that's great!" the pinkette exclaimed as she put a small smile on her face. 

     "what do you think?! high enough for you guys? i mean, it is a long way down, huh?" the boy giggled as he jumped up to stand on the branch. 

     suddenly, he slipped and began to fall backwards. "naruto!" sakura and i yelled out. 

     the blonde used his chakra so he would be hanging upside down on the branch and giggled once again. "haha, just kidding! you guys really fell for it! even you, taiyou, and i told you about it!" he pointed his finger at me as i crossed my arms. 

     "we were worried about you, naruto!" as the pinkette scolded the boy, her eye twitched a little bit. 

     "why do i think this is going to end badly..." kakashi mumbled to himself and sighed.

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