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"Wanna get some food?" Nikki asked from the other side of the table. They had been trying to find out more information about the Aether since Thor wasn't in a good mental state, thus not giving them the information they needed. It had been a few hours and everyone was starving, but they were so focused on their works so no one said a thing.

But Nikki did.

"I mean, from someone who's still alive. I heard a Chinese restaurant from a few blocks away is still serving. You want some? And probably give yourselves a break. We've been working for hours." Nikki said, walking over the table. A few nods and agreements were heard, making Nikki go get her phone and list down all of the orders they requested. "Is this all you want?" Nikki asked, taking her attention away from he phone but quickly laughed when she saw that everyone except for Tony was asleep.

"They're really tired, huh?" Nikki asked her father, who let out a quiet chuckle. "They are. Lucky for me..." Tony started, taking his jacket and walking over his daughter as he wrapped an arm around her. "I'm always tired."

The pair walked out of the huge headquarters as they made their way towards the store that was near. It was quite chilly outdoors, and Nikki decided to just shrug it off.

"You know, I haven't been using my telekinesis lately." Nikki spoke out, and Tony whose other had was still on Nikki glanced back at her. "That's okay. You were lazy when you always used your telekinesis. You didn't come out of your bed to do anything." Tony laughed lightheartedly. "I remember then, you hated me when I sent you to school. What did you do to pay me back that time?" Tony asked in a teasing voice, looking at his daughter.

"I paid you back by telling everyone in school that I was Tony Stark's daughter."

"Yeah. That." Tony laughed. "I even made Peter spy after you because of that."

Nikki tensed up at the name. Tony took notice of this when he felt her shoulder just suddenly tighten. "Nikki, I'm sorry—" he started, but Nikki let out a chuckle.

"I think it's time I talk about it with you." she laughed, snuggling closer to her dad. Because of that word slip, the two of them finally talked out the topics they had been avoiding for five years. Peter, the avengers, family, and all of the people she had learned to love. It hurt her heart but she needed someone to talk to about it since it felt so heavy as she was keeping her feelings to herself for five years.

And the only person she could trust was her father.

Tony was always there for her, he was the one who understood her, and he was the only one who knew how sad it felt without Peter.

"We're here." Nikki stated, halting them to a stop. The streets that were usually filled with joy and honking horns were empty; and the usual traffic that came with it was gone, with a car rushing in every few minuets. The city that never sleeps was well, asleep. And it was only noon.

Tony opened the door for Nikki to come in and went in after her. A chime of a bell was heard as they entered the small restaurant, and a woman went out to take their orders. Nikki quickly told her the orders. The woman nodded, before looking at Nikki and Tony.

"You're Tony Stark, right? And Nikki?" she asked in a dull tone. Nikki nodded, still amazed by the fact that people still recognized her, even if half of the population was dead. "My son and husband was dusted. You're a lucky man to sill have your daughter and your wife." the woman said sadly. Nikki sighed and gave the woman a smile as Tony walked away from the two of them, once again being reminded of the bad memories.

"I lost someone too." Nikki said, her eyes drifting away as she remembered a special person who had a place in her heart. Peter. "I was supposed to get dusted away as well, and I was going to die with him. Then Thanos tried to kill me again." she rambled. Nikki couldn't believe herself. She was spilling information to a total stranger. "He turned me alive again. Then here's me, five years later, a mess." she smiled. The woman just sadly nodded before walking back inside to cook their orders.

"So dad..." Nikki started, looking at her father. "Remember when I died? I was eighteen years old, but my body still got dusted. What will happen when we get the stones and snap again?" she questioned. Tony sighed, looking at this daughter with a sympathetic smile. "Your current body will be replaced by your eighteen year old body. But I'm not sure. That's just my prediction."

Nikki sighed, looking at her mature body. She had turned into a beautiful woman, and she couldn't believe there was a possible she would turn into her old scrawny self once again. Even her personality changed, Nikki had turned into a mature person who wasn't as crazy about food as she once was. Nikki knew when was the right time to joke and when was not, and being back in her eighteen year old body was going to be a major change for her.

"Dad?" Nikki asked, looking over at Tony. "I know something bad is bound to happen—" Tony cut his daughter off in a warning tone. "Nikki."

"And if I don't make it—" Nikki continued, ignoring her father. Tony let out another growl as he repeated the words once more. "Nikki."

"I want you to tell Morgan Pepper, and Peter I love them. And I love you."

"You won't die, Nikki. I won't let you." Tony hissed as the woman quickly gave them their orders on the table they sat on. Nikki sadly shook her head, knowing it wasn't true. "Dad, I was born into a life of danger. I was turned into an experiment, I was adopted by a superhero, I almost died many times and died once, and I started out as a hero.." she trailed off, looking at the window. No one was outside. It was empty. "And I'll die as a hero. I promise you that."

Whatever it takes.

ya'll are going to hate me for the ending lmao

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