Recap part 2

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She splashes water on my face making my eyes open, just barley behind Z who's kneeling in front of me I see Isaac standing in the door way, he looks terrified.

She pointed too him, "do you see this" she says pointing too his face, he was crying and shaking.

"He found you, he thought you were dead" she says angrily.

I look at him then back too her, my eye filling too the brim with tears.

"You are hurting yourself slowly, you will die of you keep doing this shit" her tone gets softer when she wipes the tear from my cheek.

"The first time you were passed out on the floor you over dosed, this time you were just asleep, third time is a charm Lauren"

"I'm weak" I say lowly as more tears fall from my face.

"Drinking all day and night is what's making you weak, you have too change if you don't want too feel weak anymore" she says sitting the cup of water up on the counter.

"Do you need help?" She asks looking me in my eyes.

I hood pathetically.

"I got your back on anything" she says grabbing my hand and helping me too my feet.

"Your gonna be okay" she says wiping the tears from my eyes.
I'm distracted when I hear my babies voice, I feel like crying when I see him half asleep in front of Lauren, he's so cute but Lauren in his head I can see since he has no shirt on bit a small gold chain with his shorts slightly sagging, I guess he wants his little polo boxers too show.

I watch carefully too see if he notices me at all, I don't think he noticed anyone cause as soon as Lauren let go of the controller with one hand he slide under her sitting between her legs.

He lays his head on her shoulder before messing with her nose ring while she was distracted, she was so focused on playing her Xbox that she doesn't see him wanting too cuddle.

I awe lowly when he started kissing her cheek a bunch of times too get her attention.

After she finally takes a break from her game she covers his face in kisses, a bunch of girls awe in the room at her, I couldn't help but smile.

He laid back on her before noticing Dinah sitting next too her and sliding in the small crevice between her and the couch, he's just so cute when he does things that a puppy or baby would do.

Dinah taps him trying too grab his attention but he closes his eyes laying his head on her chest and feet on Lauren's thigh, I could tell she really go into his head cause he put his arm around Dinah.

She taps him again squishing his cheeks together until he opened his eyes lifting his head.

Dinah points over too me and Zendaya, I wave with a smile.

He sprung up running sigh his arms oven into my arms.

"Mommy!" He yells excitedly.
I smile, "okay I will" I say as we walk back through the house.

My smile quickly drops when I see Lauren pushed up on some girl in the kitchen, I scoff walking away and folding my arm across my chest

I hear Zendaya slap Lauren upside the head, then start yelling at her.

I come sitting next too Dinah,"bitch, Lauren said she wants you" Dinah smiles excitedly.

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