//: Chapter 1 ://

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  Mysticmoon walked up towards her friend, a turtle dangling from her jaw. Mysticalwood looked tired and stressed as she worked. As she turned around, Mysticmoon felt guilty of interrupting her. The two friends have lost some of there friendship. Mysticalwood had gotten tired of always being by Mysticmoon all those moons.

"What is it?" Mysticalwood asked full of annoyance. Mysticmoon's eyes jerked open, she hadn't realized she had just been standing there.

"Oh, um." Mysticmoon stuttered. "I smelt cats farther back." She pointed with her tail.

Mysticalwood sighed. She hadn't mean to ruin her friends joy. But, it had been rough for her. She felt as if everything was gone, but Mysticmoon wouldn't understand. She had grown annoyed by her friends thinking, the 'don't worry, everything will be fine' type. Why couldn't she just understand that there is no hope left? She was a medicine cat apprentice after all. StarClan should've spoke to them by now. But, it wasn't possible. They traveled to far. Mysticalwood matched her gaze to Mysticmoon's. The pleading bulging eyes. She had always been adventurous.

Mysticalwood looked back at what she had been doing. She barely made any process. At least she had the good idea to pause and make the beds before finishing the thicket she was working on. "Fine." She finally mumbled.

Mysticmoon's eyes twinkled in delight. Her blood was burning for adventure. She bounced up, "C'mon, let's go!" She said happily.

Mysticalwood narrowed her eyes. She clenched her paws, trying to hold in her anger. "Tomorrow." She gulped.

Mysticmoon froze. She had gotten to hyper. She gave a warm glance. "I'll go catch something else, so we have more to eat."

Mysticalwood took a deep breath, calming herself. She needed to remind herself that whatever Mysticmoon did, she all meant well. She gave the warm glance back, "Thanks."

Mysticmoon ran off, back towards the hunting grounds. "We need to celebrate after all!" She shouted back.

Mysticalwood smiled. She never knew how she could become best friends with someone like her. They were like opposites. But StarClan knew to bring them together. And surprisingly, Mysticalwood was thankful. Mysticalwood got back to work, her heart now pounding quickly. "Maybe it was my fault, after all those moons." Mysticalwood thought to herself. "When we fought, when we got angry. It was all because of me! Why couldn't I see that she just wanted to play." Mysticalwood finally snapped. "Its all because of StarClan, my life is broken!" Then, her heart paused. Her eyes now felt like a lake, but with nothing. Empty. "I belong in the Dark Forest." She whispered.

Mysticalwood heard footsteps coming her way. She quickly blinked away her tears.

Mysticmoon gave a cheerful grin, through her mouth full of prey. She always missed her friend dearly, no matter how long away she was. She mumbled through the prey, "I caught two!" She said proudly.

Mysticmoon set down her prey, examining it proudly. "It's going to be a feast."

Mysticalwood instantly started looking around when Mysticmoon tried to meet her gaze. She didn't want her to know that she had been crying. As far as Mysticmoon, she never cries. Mysticalwood gulped when Mysticmoon began to also look around. Does she know? She thought frantically.

Mysticmoon looked around and sighed. "Too bad its only us."

Mysticalwood sighed of relief. She looked down, stunned.

Mysticmoon put her head against Mysticalwood's. "But, no better to share it with anyone then my best friend."

Mysticalwood smiled. There was no amount that compared to how grateful she was for Mysticmoon.

After a delicious dinner, the two were now were curled in there moss beds, by each other. Mysticalwood felt very uncomfortable, so did Mysticmoon. Luckily, Mysticmoon was able to fall asleep in there new home. Mysticalwood had not been so lucky.

Mysticalwood got up and stretched. She sighed, Mysticmoon didn't deserve to sleep by her. She was to pure, and kind. A natural born leader. Mysticalwood snuggled further away, and she did too, fall asleep.


Hope you are enjoying this new book I'm creating!
It really helps when I see the little eyes go up for more reads, I'm so
Thankful for all of you!
though, pressing the star icon is appreciated too ;)
don't be afraid to leave a comment! I love feedback, positive or negative!
I also love to hear what you think about the story!
I love how the characters personalities are falling in place!

coming in future chapters...
You guys will be StarClan!!!
In the future, when I have to play again, you can always comment what you would like to see happen!
Though, a few future chapters are already planned.

dun.. dun.. dunnnn.
Rogue/loner submissions!
I use a random generator to see what happens each day is sims.
Sometimes that means a rogue joins the clan!
Right now I have only made two rogues.

Fill this form out to have your rogue in the game

(don't use -paw or -kit here, and yes, you can use -moon ;))
(i will private message you for this, if you want to it, just add "I don't mind spoilers!"
(if you don't, you will be put in the random clan that needs a rogue next :)
(kit, apprentice, warrior, medicine cat)
! Even if you pick Medicine-Cat, Doesn't mean you get !
(yes, it can be non realistic, as long as not too crazy if you know what I mean)
(Self explanatory)
(Self explanatory)
[ 2 positive traits:
1 negative trait:
1 fear:
1 goal:
History: ]
(very important, since you can't control your character, these decide how they react)


kit + warrior
fluffy grayish blue kit, with one blind eye, the other deep blue with a white belly and snout with darker grey paws
Goofy, Loyal
history ecrgryhtf rah too lazy

Updated Allegiances:

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