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Softly stirring in her sheets, Kate smiled to herself before turning to see a sleeping Dave. But to her surprise he wasn't there. Frowning she sat up and quickly threw shorts and a T-shirt on before making her way to the kitchen. No one. No note. No Dave. Shit. Was I just a one night stand? She thought to herself before slowly walking to her couch and sitting down. Her body hurt. Including her heart. Dave just took advantage of her body and left. She was desperate. When she needed him he left her. She felt like this was deserved. All Dave wanted to do was love her and she kept pushing him away. She finally got what she deserved. Sighing to herself she made her way to her balcony where she pulled a pack of cigarettes from underneath the couch. I knew this would come in handy one day, she thought to herself before bringing the lighter up to the stick of nicotine between her lips.

Her mental breakdown, and smoking session was interrupted by a calm voice calling, "Hey" from below the deck. Leaning over the edge she frowned while letting a puff of smoke out before sighing, "Flea. What do you want." He stood on the ground of her neighbors backyard with his hands in his pockets before explaining, "I rang your doorbell fifteen times. I figured you'd be out here. Care to let me in?"

"Sure." Kate mumbled, before making her way to the front door. Flea followed her back inside, closing the door behind him. He looked around, surprised to notice the apartment was clean. That was until they reached her bedroom to get to the balcony. She walked past the bed with no care in the world, Flea began to blush while noticing an empty condom wrapper was lying on the wrinkly bed sheets. The two sat across from each other while looking out at the ocean in silence.

"So...You must've had a fun night." Flea mumbled while scratching the back of his head.

"I'm disgusted in myself." Kate sighed while letting out another puff of smoke before continuing, "Sorry that you had to see that wrapper. I forgot it was there. Dave came over last night. Very late last night."

"I see. And you guys...did it?"

"Yeah. We had sex. I don't know why. He told me he left the band and was moving up North. I got desperate and freaked out. I was afraid of him leaving. So I told him we all loved him, including me. I'm guessing you can assume what happened after that."

"Yeah. Do you love him?"


"Ok. Why did you freak out about him leaving then?"

"I don't know. I think I'm afraid of being alone."

"I get it. I'm glad I have Clara. I don't need a significant other. She has changed my perspective of life in so many ways."

"Are you telling me to have a child? No thanks!" Kate laughed out loud with Flea. They sat in a comfortable silence while staring off the balcony. She leaned back into the chair before he interrupted, "Candy and Anthony wanted me to come here this afternoon to invite you to have dinner at their house tonight."

"They couldn't call me? Or tell me in person?"

"No offense Kate, but you did hurt Anthony's feelings last night."

"I know."

"Are you gonna come? It will be fun! Food will be there! Foods pretty good."

"Yeah...I don't know, Flea. I was gonna order take out Chinese food and take another nap."

"You slept in, silly! Why would you want to go back to bed?"

"To forget my mistakes."

"Stop that! It's fine. I'm pretty sure everyone has forgotten about it by now."

"That's a lie."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Kate mumbled, flicking the cigarette onto the ground before crushing it with her foot. Anthony doesn't want to see you. It was probably Candy's idea, she thought to herself while frowning. Flea smirked before smiling, "So...What did John say to you last night?"

"Ugh. Don't even get me started. He's such an ass." Kate laughed at the end of her sentence before ranting, "He didn't want to talk about anything. He was just staring at me. Then he looked annoyed when he saw my hand."


"Because I wasn't wearing the ring he gave me. But can you blame me, Flea? I thought he wasn't coming back. Why should I waste my time?"

"He's back now."

"So? Are you serious right now? Are you really suggesting for me to get back together with him? Flea! Come on! You know I'm not ready. I-I can't do that again."

"I'm not asking you to marry him. Just talk to him. Be nice. He'll come around eventually. He's just a little grumpy. Just try to be friends. He needs a friend."

"Why does he look so different?"

"I can't tell you. Sorry."

"It's fine. I understand."

"So...Are you gonna come?"

"I don't know. I'll think about." She mumbled before standing up and following Flea to the front door. They stood there in silence for a couple seconds before he patted her on the shoulder and smiled, "I'm not going to give you bad advice. Trust me. I'll see you later." The sound of the door shutting left Kate in her thoughts before she slowly walked back towards her bed, crawling underneath the sheets.

"Mhm! Smells good in here! Candy, I didn't know you could cook?" Chad smiled before entering the house, loudly closing the door behind him on his way in. The smell of roasted potatoes, and chicken floated throughout the house as Candy laughed, "I don't! The catering company did a pretty good job! It smells delicious. Flea, is this everyone? I thought you said Kate was coming?" Anthony stiffened before rolling his eyes and leaving the room. John stared at the ground as Flea explained, "I tried convincing her but she never gave me an answer. I'm assuming no. She said she was going to order take out and go back to bed."

"Sounds like her." Anthony mumbled, causing Candy to scoff before hitting his arm. She motioned to John before mouthing to her boyfriend, shut up.

"Hey! It's not my fault she was acting like a bitch." Anthony scoffed back, causing John to roll his eyes as he stood up and began to make his way outside to smoke. Opening the front door he was surprised to see Kate standing there. She was dressed in sweatpants and a T-shirt, holding a glass dish covered in tin foil. 

"Hey." She softly spoke, looking up at him.


Every Breath You Take (Rhcp Fanfic) PART TWO OF TAKE MY BREATH AWAYWhere stories live. Discover now