Beautiful Night to Say Goodbye

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One Shot (Character x reader)

Sherlock Holmes (Benedict Cumberbatch)



Tonight is a full moon in London. Makes London brighter than any other night. You stop walking to look up to the moon. Enjoy it while it lasts. 

The man beside you stops his walking too when he realizes you stop. He is then following your eyes, look at the moon too. You've been walking with this man for a while now but there is nothing come out from both of you since you left the restaurant.

Y/n: It is Beautiful.

- I know.

You look at the man beside you and you smile at him. He is as beautiful as the moon tonight. No, he is more. He will always more.

He realizes you looking at him and now he looks at you too. You look at his face and you remember all memories with him. How you meet, Know him, Why you fell for him, first kiss and all other beautiful memory. He is perfect for everything when you are together with him for 2 years. It was the perfect two years of your life. He is Sherlock Holmes after all and he is your boyfriend until... now.

You broke up with him tonight. It is not him that wants to broke up with you, It is you.

You try to hold your tears by continuing your walking so he will not see you cry. You knew breaking up with Sherlock will be this hard but you don't want Sherlock to see how hard it is for you. You want him to know that you will be fine without him. Sherlock follows you behind for a while and when both of you arrive in front of your flat, you turned to look at him again and smile, trying to hide your sadness.

Y/n: Thanks for walking me home. You don't have to.

S: It is not a big deal and it was my routine for 2 years. It will take time to get rid of this routine.

Y/n: You will be fine Sherlock. In three days, you will completely get rid of this routine.

You smile at him and he just looks at you. You sighed and give him one last big smile.

Y/n: So... I will go now. Thank you Sherlock-

Sherlock tries to cut your sentences. He looks to his right when he is trying to cut your sentence but you keep going.

S: You don't need to say thanks again for walking you home. I told you it was-

Y/n: For this perfect 2 years.

Sherlock stops his talking and looks at you again now. You give him last little smile and turned your back, heading towards your flat when Sherlock stops you again.

S: If it was perfect, why do we need to break up?

You look at him again and you are quite upset that he asked again why both of you need to break up. Both of you knew the reason.

Y/n: We both know why Sherlock.

S: Try me.

Y/n: The Woman.

You can see Sherlock's body stiffened and he tries avoiding your eyes now

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You can see Sherlock's body stiffened and he tries avoiding your eyes now. Since Sherlock had a case related to The Woman - Irene Adler - you knew something is off from Sherlock. He is different.

S: Is it because you are jealous of her? I'm just working on a case (y/n).

Y/n: A case that makes you develop feeling for her.

S: I don't develop anything.

Y/n: Then tell me, why don't you answer her text back when you reply to everyone? why do you keep that inappropriate ringtone? Why do you really sad when Mycroft tells you she is dead and You play your bloody nice violin all day long when you found out she is not really dead? She even deceived you but you still... put your life at stake to save her when she will be executed. Why Sherlock?!

S: I...

Sherlock can't answer you and you can't hold your tears anymore. One by one your tears fall down your cheeks. You remember Sherlock did all of that when he was your boyfriend. His behavior and act towards you changed when he knew The Woman. When he is working on her case. At first, you want to deny all the changes and the fact that he develops feelings for the woman but now... Your theory is proven. Sherlock has a feeling for her. He likes her. Maybe love. He just doesn't realize it yet. He is so slow to know that he is starting to fall for her and you knew sooner or later you will not in his heart anymore. You will be very broken if he is the one that asks for a breakup, that is why you ask him first. At least you have time to prepare your heart.

Y/n: Thank you for the final proof, Sherlock. She will be very lucky to have you.

You turned your back, ready to leave Sherlock but he holds your wrist. He doesn't want you to leave.

Y/n: Please Sherlock... don't make it harder than it is.

S: I'm not ready to let you go. You are my first love and... I'm sure it is just a fling with The Woman, I can assure you.

You look at him again now.

Y/n: I may be the first... but I'm not gonna be the last. Believe me, Sherlock, What you feel now, It is not just a fling. You fell for her. If you don't believe me, talk to John. I'm pretty sure he will say the same. We need to let go, both of us.

Sherlock looks into your eyes and he knows that you are seriously want to break up with him. He also knew that part of this conversation is true. He feels something different with The Woman but he never thought that he likes her because he has you.

S: Are you sure about this?

Y/n: I'm never been so sure.

You release your wrist from his hand. You smile at him, and you knew it will be the last. You may not see him again after this, it will be too much for you. You give him one last kiss on his cheeks and say your goodbye. It is a beautiful night to say goodbye after all.

Y/n: Goodbye Sherlock Holmes.

You turned your back at him and this time he doesn't stop you with his word or hold your wrist again

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You turned your back at him and this time he doesn't stop you with his word or hold your wrist again. He just stays there, watching you enter your flat. As you entered, you sit on the floor and bring your knees closer to your chest. The pain in your chest is killing you and what you can only do is crying.

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