Hidden Feeling

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One Shot (Character x reader)


Benedict Cumberbatch


C: Do you like my mom, Ben?

Benedict is reviewing some paperwork in his car when Charlotte - A six years old girl - that sit next to him in the back seat, asking him a question that he never thought will be asked.

Benedict looks at the little girl and see that she is still focus on her little doll, making Benedict thought that she is not even seriously asking him. Maybe is just some gibberish question, but Benedict is still curious about why she asked that question.

B: Why do you want to know?

Now Charlotte looks at Benedict and Benedict can clearly see her eyes. Her eyes look really like her father and Benedict really hate that. It just reminds him of an irresponsible person.

C: I'm just curious. Today a boy come to me and said he likes me.

B: Really? Then what is the connection of your question with that?

C: He is not like you.

B: Well of course he is not like me. I'm handsome and I'm the CEO of -

C: What is CEO?

Benedict smirks and sighs, but he want to try to explain it to Charlotte.

B: CEO... is like, hmm... the president of your class, I guess. They are the one that arrange and responsible for the class. For the CEO... the class is a company. You get what I said?

C: What is a company?

B: It's where you work and make money.

Charlotte nods her head.

B: In conclusion, of course the boy is not like me because I'm more awesome.

Benedict smirks with confident at Charlotte.

C: That's not what I mean with 'he is not like you'. He is mean.

Benedict pinches his eyes, looking confused.

B: What do you mean 'mean'? Doesn't he said he likes you?

C: But he is always mean. He is not like you to my mommy. You are always nice to mommy and mommy always happy when you are nice to her.

Benedict let a small smile hearing that. Benedict does have a feeling for Charlotte's mother. He has been since childhood. He just never say it because he is afraid that it will breaks their good friendship. He is hiding his feeling and just act like a good friends to her. He thought he lose her forever when she decided to marry Charlotte's father but the man left before the wedding held.

B: It's because I'm your mother's best friend. Of course I should be nice to her.

C: Does it mean you don't like my mother?

B: I like her. A lot.

Benedict pauses and he still want to hide his feeling from everyone, even to a six years old girl.

B: But just as a friend.

C: So you can like someone to just be a friend?

B: I guess so.

Benedict smile softly and Charlotte then go back playing with her doll. Benedict continues to review the paperwork as the car continues to move. Not long after, they finally arrived at the hospital where Charlotte's mother work. Charlotte runs as soon as Benedict's driver open the car's door as she is impatient to meet her mother. Benedict is half running to catch Charlotte and then pick her up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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