A Wrong Thing - Part 2

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Short Story (Character x reader)

Tom Ellis
James McAvoy



It has been months since you become an adulterers. You don't know how you can hide all of the wrong thing you did with Tom, showing poker face to James after you cheated with Tom, and feel thrilled for all of the cheating thing. Sometimes it makes you feel more alive. It's not like James doesn't have a few tricks to spice your marriage up, but with Tom, it's just better.

You and Tom are just look at each other on the bed. You made up a bussiness trip, lying to James so you can accept Tom invitation for a short getaway to Geneva. Not quite a city for short getaway, but convincing enough for James believe that this is for a bussiness trip. It is wrong. Totally wrong, but you can't also deny that this getaway is one of the best moment you had.

Y/n: What are we going to do today?

T: I want to do something that I couldn't do back home.

Y/n: What is that?

T: Just this. Seeing you wake up in the morning and staying with me all day.

Sometime Tom just surprises you. He doesn't want anything that seems complicated with you and just want the simplest thing. To be around you.

Y/n: Just staying like this? Staring at each other and thinking what is on each other mind?

T: Ouuh, sound sexy. I want to know what is in that beautiful mind of yours for just staring at me.

The guilty feeling to James but also the desire to have Tom.

Y/n: You first. What's on your mind?

You run your hand on his bare chest, and make your way to his lips.

Y/n: Tell me.

He leans in and starts kissing your lips. You answer his kiss and bring him closer. Your back touches the bed as he pins you down on the bed. He moves from your lips to your jaw, then to your neck. You close your eyes and bite your lips as you enjoy his kissing.

And suddenly your phone rings. From the ringtone you and Tom know that It's James.

T: Don't- Answer it.

Tom is asking you between his kissing on your neck, he keeps kissing you and it feels really good, but you know you have to answer the phone.

Y/n: I- can't. Stop- Tom.

You say it between your moaning. Of course he doesn't listen and keep kissing you. He starts to move kissing you on your collarbone. Shit. I have to answer the phone.

Y/n: Tom, Stop!

You break his kissing by sitting on the bed and directly reaching your phone on the bed side table. Tom is letting a big sigh, as you backing him. You answer your phone.

J: Hello, baby!

You can hear James excitement voice from across the phone. You are happy to hear his voice. It's not like you don't happy with Tom, but the happy sounds of James say hello to you, it also feels good. Tom is upset and jealous as you choose to answer James's call. You know he is very upset as he walks out of the bed, wearing his robes, pouring whiskey and lean on the table just staring at you answering James's call.

Y/n: Hey baby. What is it?

J: Well, I just want to make sure the time I should pick you up at the airport today.

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