A Wrong Thing - Part 1

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Short Story (Character x reader)

Tom Ellis
James McAvoy



T: You know the word. Just say it and I will walk out of the room.

Tom looks deeply into your eyes as you can feel his breath against your face.

He takes one more closer and you can feel your back hits the wall as you try not to get him close

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He takes one more closer and you can feel your back hits the wall as you try not to get him close. You stare into his eyes and your hand try to hold him not getting closer to you, but he leans closer and pinned you to the wall. His breath is warmer and his lips is getting close to yours.

T: Say it, darling and I swear I will walk out the room right away.

You look at his lips and you know you can't say the word. You knew that he won't kiss you if you just say 'no' and all of this will stop but as much as you want to resist him, he is just too much to resist. He has something that makes you crazy and make you feel you.

His lips almost brush your lips but you knew he keeps the distance. He looks into your eyes, Giving you one more chance to say 'no', but you know you can't.

T: As much as we both know this is wrong, we just can't resist. Love is never wrong, (Y/n).

He is leaning closer and giving you a kiss. Instead of breaking it, You answer his kiss and put your hand around his neck. You let him take you. After all this time you resist him, tonight you just can't. You let him take you and surrender to lust.


On your way home, you can't stop thinking what you just did. You grip the wheel harder, trying to let go every regret from what you did. You can just stop it, but instead, you let Tom kiss you and cheat on your husband.


Your eyes are blurry as water start to build in as you think of him

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Your eyes are blurry as water start to build in as you think of him. How can you faced him after what you did? Shit.

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