A Wrong Thing - Part 3

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Short Story (Character x reader)

Tom Ellis
James McAvoy


You snapped as you saw how suspicious and jealous James is. You will surely lose him if this doesn't end now and it's terrifying. You need to end this wrong thing with Tom tonight. You get off of the stage and look for Tom. You saw him leaving the ballroom and chase after him. Outside the ballroom, you can see him walking to a hallway and you followed him.

You are looking for him, when suddenly an arm drag you to a room and now, you are on Tom's embrace.

T: Hello, Darling. I thought we are done for tonight. Love what I did and have a change of heart?

He smiles. If you are not angry with him, you probably says his smile is lovely, but now that smile is just creepy. You get away from his embrace and slaps him. He look at you, scoffs and stroke his cheek that has been slapped by you.

Y/n: What the hell did you just do there?! Are you insane?!

T: Insane?!

Tom suddenly marched toward you and pin you to the wall. His breaths is againts you but it's not the same as when you kissed him the first time. He looks scary and there is so much anger coming out from him. You stare into his eyes and you are furious now.

Tom is letting a small laugh from his mouth.

T: Yes, darling, yes, I might be insane but it's all because of you.

Tom chuckles and stroke your cheek. You look away from his face to avoid his stroking. For the first time, you are really mad and disgust him. You look at him again.

Y/n: I'm warning you Tom. I'm warning you that we can never show our relationship to anyone. And you fucking knew, it's especially James! What you did on stage, is jeopardizing my marriage. And I will not. I will not let you jeopardize my marriage again. We are over, Tom.

When you said 'we are over' you look directly into his eyes, showing him that you're really serious about this. You love Tom, but tonight you realize that you love James more because it's more terrifying to lose James than Tom.

Tom scoffs and he takes a step back from you. His eyes must be blurry because you can see water in his eyes. You take a deep breath as he is not pinning you on the wall anymore.

Tom turns his back on you, and then look at you again. You can see he is smiling.

T: Tell me, darling. Do you really think, that it will over, only because you said It's over?

He is pinching his eyes and walk closer to you. You take a step back because you don't want him to get closer to you but you keep your eyes on him.

T: Do you think I will just disappear and let you live happily ever after with James?

He scoffs and your breath is getting heavier. You know he is right. You and him are already in this deep forbidden relationship that you know Tom will not just back up even though you said it's over. But you did want to end this. You want to go back to your life where it is only you and James.

Y/n: I want to end it and you can't forced me to stay with you. I love James more and I better lose you than him. We're over.

You emphasis the word 'we're over'. He just gazes at you and you can see his sadness but he is also angry.

T: No, darling, we are not. Trust me, I'll only just begin. How about I start with telling James everything? Everything about us. Will he stay with you after you cheated on him? kissed, slept and had a short getaway with me? I don't think so.

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