Different Worlds

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- Nicholas! - I heard a man shout angrily behind my office door

Scared, I ran towards it and opened seeing my boss' red face - Hi sir.. - I said holding my breath

He passed by me and leaned on my desk as I adjusted my suit and sat on the chair

- Nicholas, why the hell are our sales dropping?!

- Sorry sir but..

- No buts! - he interrupted - there's no possible excuse for this young man! This is the second time you've almost got us broke! - he shouted angrily

I felt a lump form in my throat as the sweat rolled down my face

- Do you remember what did I told you if this happened again?

I nodded my head quickly remembering that I would be..

- Fired! You are fired Nicholas! Gather your things and get your ass off of my company! - he angrily said

- But..

- No buts! - he shouted turning around

That day I lost my job and with that, I later on discovered I lost my house too since my boss was paying it.. long story..

I made the walk of shame out the building and got in a cab towards my house where I spent a last night. I called Joe after receiving a message telling me to get out by the morning and asked him if I could stay at his house

- Sorry bro.. I really don't have space with Blanda and the baby..

I looked down nodding my head - I'll try Kevin then..

- You crazy? Kevin is even worse.. you gotta go back to our parents..

- Shit.. they'll be so disappointed..

Joe chuckled through the phone as I started preparing my bag - You know how mom is.. she'll probably hug you until you fall asleep.. she "misses her babies"

I sighed zipping the bag.. - Then mom it is.. wish me luck..

We talked for a few more minutes until I went to bed..

Wow.. in my early twenties and back to my parents house..

What a loser..


- Maddie!! Hurry up! - I rushed as I picked up her back pack

- You gonna work today? - my little sister asked

- No but I will tomorrow.. - I smiled - and the next day, we're probably going to sleep there too

She nodded and we got out going to school.. I came back and did some cleaning, made our back packs for the next night and laundry.. Since our parents died and our two older sisters, I had no more fun and automatically assumed the mother figure to Madison

I cleaned the house and then watched TV for a few hours. Seeing the clock hit seven, I walked out the house and got Maddie from school

- I was thinking in dying my hair.. wanna help me?

- Yes!! Can we do it now? We have nothing better to do!!

I shrugged my shoulders and smile at my sisters excitement - I already have the color

She jumped out of the car once we arrived and run to the house

We dyed my hair blond but left the roots brown. afterwards, we sat and watched TV together

- It's so awkward to see you like this.. Normally, when you dye your hair it's always a different color like.. pink or blue

I laughed - Yeah.. but the winter is coming and I really don't want to be blue on christmas.. Blue, green and red are not really pretty

She giggled and turned her face back to the TV

- I love you Demi..

I turned back and smiled - I love you too baby girl.. We'll be always together.

She giggled and we hugged..

This is me..

Maddie is my only family and I couldn't be happier with what I've got.. we sure have some problems like money and other stuff but I was always with a smile on my fave when I was with her..

I love her to death..


Hi.. I'm going to update really soon so stay tuned!

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