Oh My God...

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For a few weeks, I went out to look for jobs.. I wasn't sure about what I was going to get or what I was going to accept.. I just wanted to get some money..

I walked through the streets going inside coffee shops and stuff.. no luck for today..

I went back home to lunch and just when I was getting inside, a good surprise met me

- It's too hard.. - Maddie groaned hitting some piano keys

- It's not.. you can do it..

- You should be the one playing... can you play please?

I peaked through the door seeing Demi on the piano with Maddison on her lap. Demi reached the keys wrapping her arms around Maddie and started singing in her ear

- " 'Cause now I'm a warrior.. now I've got thicker skin.. I'm a warrior.. I'm stronger than I've ever been and my armor.. is made of steel, you can't get in.. I'm a warrior.. and you can't ever hurt me again.."

I stared in disbelief at how beautiful her voice was.. it was amazing..

- Why can't I be like you?! - Maddie groaned hugging Demi

- Like I am some goddess.. Your voice is like, 10 times better than mine.. You just gotta practice

- You should be a singer!! Why are you treating people?

- I like people.. don't you like Mrs. Jonas?

- She's pretty awesome.. and you and Nick... - Maddie smirked poking her in the belly

- Me and Nick what? He's an asshole! Stay away from him - Demi smiled pointing at her nose

I found myself smiling and shaking my head

- Yeah.. call it being an "asshole"... I call it being "in love"

Demi laughed loudly and I took a few steps towards the stairs to go to my room..

My mom called me to eat minutes later and then I spent the afternoon thinking about how could I get money..

Might as well play stuff in the street with a guitar no?

Well.. that was the conclusion I got for now..

Late at night, I was making coffee to drink when Demi came downstairs picking my mom's medical kit - Hi.. - I smiled

She smiled back making weird things happen inside of me - Hey.. How are you?

- Great..

She nodded and walked out the room while I picked my mug up and went to the couch. In the dark, I started sipping my coffee being the TV screen the only light I had.. I pulled my sheet up and watched it until I heard some footsteps towards me

Demi sat next to me and got under the sheet while I laid down my mug.. she hugged me in the waist surprising me and then I felt her sobs

- What's wrong??

She continued sobbing as I rubbed her arm - Ju-ust hug-g m-me ple-please..

I got my other arm around her and started rocking her a little from side to side - You're gonna be fine - I whispered in her ear..

After a while, her sobs calmed down and she spoke up breaking the silence

- Is that offer still on? - she asked against my chest

I petted her head and she looked up at my face - It will be up forever..

She smiled and hugged me around my neck - Thank you.. thank you so much.. You don't know how much it means to me..

I patted her back closing my eyes with a soft smile on my face...

She pulled back and looked down at her fingers while my arm was still on her shoulders - I just need somebody to talk to..

I nodded - I'm all ears..

She made a quick smile that quickly went away - Today my parents died exactly 7 years ago and... - she sighed looking up with tears in her eyes - is still painful every single day..

I looked down suddenly feeling sad

- They were coming home from a trip they made to Canada.. they made the entire ride by car.. I stayed home with Maddie since she was too young and I had school everyday.. well.. Med school..

I pulled her towards my shoulder and she continued speaking - for what the officers told me, a truck hit my parents and my sisters car and it was not painful for either one of them but still.. I just.. I lost everything this night.. I just cried for nights with Maddie on the bed..

I rubbed her arm up and down comforting her - It's okay Demi.. you just.. gotta let the past go you know? Focus in your future.. of course you shouldn't forget your family but.. try to remember them as they were before they died..

- It still hurts so much Nick.. I'm so tired of this..

- I know Demi.. it's going to be hard and you have to stay strong.. but I know you can do it

We stayed like that in the silence for a few more minutes until she spoke again braking the silence

She looked up and smiled cleaning off her tears - Thank you.. who knew that behind an asshole could be such a great person

I laughed - Pfff I'm fabulous like.. the most perfect human being ever!

She shook her head - Here he is again..

I smiled hearing her loudly laugh while standing up - Good night Nick...

- Night.. - I smiled pulling the sheet back to me

I laid back and covered myself.. before turning off the TV, two pairs of hands grabbed my neck softly - You are amazing - she whispered

She kissed my cheek in a sexy way making my heart jump out of my chest

Oh my god...

Awkwardly In Love (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now