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I walked downstairs with my hand in Demi's pulling her with me while pretending we were a train

- "Choo Choooo" - I said making her laugh loudly

- What's wrong with you?! - she laughed loudly

I let go of her hand once we were in the kitchen and jumped on top of the counters right on the corner of them - I'm a rebel see?!

She laughed shaking her head and went to the fridge - What a crazy life you have Danger!

- Oooh.. that's my brother.. he calls himself DJ Danger

She took eggs off and looked at me - Then what are you?

- Hum.. I don't know?.. What name do you give me?

She placed the eggs on the counter and leaned against the counters cutely with her finger on her chin - Hum... do some cool moves so I can think better

I jumped off and made some stupid dance moves making her laugh and then, when she turned back, I came from behind and started tickling her waist

- Stop Nicholas!! - she laughed making me feel even better for hearing the loud sound that never got me tired

- Stop!! You're a Jerk!

I laughed and stopped - Take it back Demetria!

She smirked and turned around - Jick Nonas... that would fit you perfectly!!

I laughed - Jick Nonas?

She nodded and turned back again - Like Nick Jonas but changed.. Jick Nonas.. Jicholas Nonas

I shook my head and chuckled - Only you to come up with that name

I jumped back to my spot and she started making breakfast.. I couldn't help but to stare at her in awe..

She continued talking and I heard every word she said really carefully

- Demi.. do you..

She looked up and I felt butterflies inside me

- Do you love me.. or am I just wasting time hoping that something could possibly start when in reality it won't

She took a deep breath and threw the towel on the counter - Nick.. we've already talked about this..

- I just.. I'm done crying for this..

She lifted my chin a little and gazed back onto my eyes - Nicholas.. I think you're amazing and all..

- But..

She looked down - But Will helped me forget the fact that I just killed someone by accident and that you rejected me..

- So you don't live me?

She sighed and smiled - I do.. but it's going to take time to embrace this apologize you gave me because... I felt guilty for a long long time..

- And Wilehshshejsnnwwbhsk.. - I said making her laugh

- He's my guy and I have to have him in my life..

- Then who is it Demi? only one of us can have you.. only one of us can occupy your heart.. me or him

She stepped back - you can't make me choose Nicholas.. not now at least

- Demi I'm hurting..

I looked down and she came closer again. She came between my legs and wrapped my arms around her intertwining our fingers together - You don't have to be a though guy in front of me.. I'm her for you..

I let my head fall on her shoulder and kissed it while we cuddled together

Please choose me.. please..

Awkwardly In Love (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now