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Quantum jumping is a topic that will only make people either scoff and walk away, or just give you a perplexed look. Why? Well, that's because people are only open to what they're used to- it's the same thing as telling someone the grass is blue, when all they see is just green! I'm not saying for you to believe the grass is blue, that's not the point-- we're all just so used to the prison we created for ourselves, that we aren't truly open to what's beyond this. We're all so used to these laws that tell us we can't hear what we see, we can't smell what we hear, and we certainly cannot taste what we see. Want to hear more ridiculous laws we have in our world? We cannot live in the past! Still don't get it? 

Have you ever heard of the law of attraction? The basic saying with that law is that YOU get to create your reality. What you think about is what you attract into your life, and you build your reality that way. And quantum jumping is an abrupt transition from one discrete energy to another-- every thought and feeling has a frequency, a certain energy to it. When you tune into a higher vibration, a higher frequency, you're able to unlock what you may deem as impossible. What a lot of people don't understand is that our universe is so infinite, that many possibilities actually exist. According to the laws of quantum physics, there are many versions of ourselves, multiple timelines- and that is something that not many people can comprehend. Not even Y/N could ever comprehend, until now. But is now, even NOW? There's no way of telling, as time is only an illusion. 

Y/N was quite the youth, but she was wasting it, unfortunately. Face in her phone, like no one's business. Such a shame. Anyone with graying hair, and rotting teeth would be jealous of what she has, and she's taking it for granted. Sure, she worked a job- she was eighteen, but all she did in her spare time was looking at her phone. Even her mother didn't understand what was so interesting on that box that was so captivating for Y/N. 

Truth be told, Y/N was quite dissatisfied with her life. She didn't have many friends, nor the nicest coworkers. She wouldn't go out, and she didn't seem interested in the activities one would do in order to meet new people. She wished she knew better people, had a better job, and had a life.  

Today in particular, was just plain awful, and she finally had enough of her world, and wanted to hide in a shell forever. Away from all the capitalism, away from all the old people losing their minds, and not remembering how to even read a damn lunch menu, and especially away from all the nit-picky coworkers. She. Had. Enough. Once she finally drove home from work, her mother certainly picked the worst time out of any other to try and speak to her daughter about the 'phone-addiction'. 

Her mother sighed, placing her book on 'self help' aside. "Y/N, please don't go to your room to just look at your phone, for the weekend. Stay out here, and spend some time with me," she begged. 

Y/N huffed, pushing her H/L H/C out of her face. "If you think you just learned something so valuable on your book to lecture me with, then no thanks. I don't want a therapist", she sassed, turning to her bedroom door. 

The older woman scoffed. "Y/N! I'm not trying to be your therapist, but you do really need some sort of help! I'm tired of seeing you in this bad funk, every day. Now turn around right now, and sit down", she exclaimed. 

Y/N grumbled, sitting back down on the couch, arms crossed. "Alright, fine. What did you want to talk about?" She asked. 

Her mother hunched down, leaning close to speak directly to Y/N. "You're eighteen, now, and you graduated high school a while ago. Don't you think it's time to start taking classes, at least in a community college, to see what you want to do with your life? I'm certain being a waitress is exhausting for you, at this point", the woman spoke gently, with concern in her tone. 

Y/N massaged her temples out of stress. "Yeah, mom, it actually IS exhausting to be a waitress. I'm tired of it. But I don't want to be a doctor, lawyer, or even an accountant. I'm not certain what I want to do, but I know that having a boring major in the likes of those are not something I want. I want adventure. I'm tired of feeling insignificant to everyone around me", she expressed with complete sadness. 

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