In the rain

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Aziraphale is still and angel and Crowley still a demon but changed personalities. Thanks to people in my last post for this suggestion.

Aziraphale POV (yes I'm finally doing a PoV of this boy)

I observe Crowley as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, his glasses sliding onto his nose and him pushing them back up.
"So, what do you think?" I repeat, waiting for an answer.
"I uh.. You want me to come out with you?!" He stutters in disbelief at my request.
"Well yeah! It will be great, come onnn" I drag out the word 'on'. He blushes as I grab his arm, pulling him out the door.

"I still don't understand why you want me to come with you..." He says shyly, looking at his feet whilst I grin at him.
"Because, you're my best friend!" I laugh at the mere doubt he feels.
We walk into the cold air as we exit my office. I can see mine and Crowley's breath as we wait in the cold for a taxi.
I finally spot one and hail it down, it comes to a stop and I shove Crowley in as I want him warm and safe.
I tell the taxi to take us to my regular pub "The queens head" and he nods, heading off.
I watch Crowley as he looks out the window. Droplets of water appear on the window as it starts to rain, as the taxi slowly but surely makes it's way through London's roads. I put my hand on Crowley's thigh reassuringly and he smiles at me, my heart beats strong.
I got so caught up in my crush that I didn't realise the taxi had stopped.
"Mate? It's going to be £20 for the ride" The driver says loudly back to me.
I jump out of my dream and quickly remove my wallet from my bright white pocket and pay him, jumping out of the car soon after.
Me and Crowley run inside the empty pub as the rain starts to fall down harder. We go into a warm environment with the usual regulars. I lean up against the bar and call for my usual and a whiskey for Crowley, the barman (Ellis) goes to make the drinks.
Crowley sits up upon one of the bar stools and looks at me, I lose myself in his eyes and smile at him. Him doing the same.
"You guys should just kiss already and save us the frustration." Ellis states, passing me and Crowley our drinks from across the bar.
I laugh nervously and so does Crowley, we don't say anything as we both take a sip out of our drinks.
"I'm going out for a smoke quick, want to come?" I ask, putting my hands in my pockets.
Crowley gets up and I tell Ellis to look after our drinks. He nods and I lead Crowley outside.
It's pouring with rain and me and Crowley find some shelter.
"Wait I thought you didn't smoke?" Crowley said, confused.
"I don't." I say, turning my whole body to face him.
"Why are we out here then, it's freezing." He shivers and rubs his arms, ready to go back inside.
"Wait." I blurt out, "I wanted to do something." I say, quietly.
Before he could answer I take him swiftly into my arms, his face going a shade of pink.
I press him gently against a wall and kiss him, slowly at first.
He kisses back and we lean, out of the shelter, hungrily kissing each other passionately until we need air.
I look at him and he's completely red in the face.
I laugh and give him one last peck.
"So, is this a date now?" I ask, nonchalantly.
"Of course, I've wanted this for so long." He looks into my eyes, lovingly.
I chuckle and sort myself and him out then run back inside to the warm and dry pub.

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