The perfect gift

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Crowley scratches his head, trying to think of why Aziraphale would be in here looking for clothes.
Aziraphale is visibly uncomfortable, rocking on the balls of his feet trying to seem nonchalant.
Crowley decides he's better off leaving Aziraphale to do his own thing than make him more uncomfortable, he waves goodbye and heads out of the front of the store, looking at his feet.
Crowley doesn't understand why he was so uncomfortable, it upset him.
Was it him? Did he do something wrong?
These questions wracked his mind as he starts to worry more and more while making his way back to his home.
He needs to know what was up with Aziraphale.
Crowley starts to worry about what would happen if it was him.
He shakes his head to get rid of the thoughts and rushes to get back home, trying to forget about what just happened.

When he gets back home from his long walk, Crowley spends the rest of the evening listening to music and drinking to calm himself from his emotions. He tries to forget about Aziraphale but the more he tries the stronger the emotions get.
He takes another sip of his drink and jams out to his tunes, turning them up the loudest it can go, not caring who can hear.
The morning sun shines through the windows as Crowley is resting, he stopped listening to his music and drinking and is now just enjoying some peace.
His relaxation is disturbed when he hears his door bell go.
"Ugh. Who is it at this hour?" He moans, getting up off of his chair angrily.
He makes his way to the door, muttering to himself about the time and that he didn't understand why they are visiting so early.
He throws the door open.
No one is there.
He looks to the left and then the right with a furrowed brow, leaning out the door, hanging onto the doorframe. He then looks down and notices a brown, medium sized box with a White bow tied upon it. Next to it there was a letter.
Crowley picks up the surprisingly light box and card and brings them into his house, shutting the door behind him and finding a place to sit down and investigate the box. He uses a pocket knife to carefully slice the envelope open, slipping the small note out from inside.
He opens it up to notice the neat calligraphy and instantly recognised the handwriting.

Dear Crowley,

I apologise I upset you last night but I was shopping for you....
You mean a great deal to me.


Crowley sets the card down and moves his eyes to the box, he runs his hand over the lid and bow and feels the nice smooth texture they had.
Crowley smiles and slowly undoes the ribbon, nervous about the package his love left him.
With his hands shaking, Crowley puts the ribbon to one side and nervously lifts the lid.
Inside, folded up neatly, was the most amazing, priceless leather jacket Crowley had ever seen.
It was a black leather but with red parts sewn into it, the zips were silver and went really well with the leather and red. The collar part was red and a different material.
Crowley didn't realise his mouth had been hanging open until he realised his mouth was getting dry. He shut his mouth and lifted the jacket from the box.
He inspected the whole jacket, suddenly in love with his new possession.
He flings his old jacket across the room and throws his new one on, 'It's amazing' he thought to himself, Awestruck.
He runs his hands down his chest, revelling in his new favourite thing.
He suddenly felt a presence in the room and looked up to see a very satisfied looking Aziraphale.
"So, you love it?" He asks, standing above him.
Crowley gets up and lunges at the angel, wrapping him in a warm embrace.
He could feel Aziraphale's heart start to beat faster.
Crowley looks into Aziraphales eyes and the angel looked back.
They both smiled at each other and stood there together, Crowley excited about his jacket and Aziraphale listening to his excitement.

Aziraphale POV  (in his mind)

I am so in love.
I am so happy he loves it.
I feel like I could punch the air.

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