People. Why like 'em?

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Sorry if this isn't my best work, Ive become a bit rusty at writing due to stress and such.

Crowley POV

I sat staring at the man, chewing loudly on the train and the food, oh god it stunk.
I basically stared daggers into him as he was oblivious to everyone around him but himself.
Why did I take the train? I thought to myself, shrugging. Perfectly good, working car and I take the train.
The train is an awful place, people not taking account for anyone else but themselves. Selfish idiots.
The man looks up at me as I zoned out, still with the frown on my face. He gave me a weird look and returned to being the bane of my existence at that point in time.
All I want to do is get back to Aziraphale, to vent to him about my troubles as he would listen to me all day and still think of me. Aziraphale is unlike all of these idiots, he thinks about people and cares for them, he also has a mean side, I can admit that might've been my influence that got him that, but he rarely shows it.
The train slows down to a stop and opens it's doors for people to get off, I was so in my own head that I didn't hear any of the announcements. Luckily, this is my stop.
I push myself up from where I was sitting and stepped off the train, relieved that the terrible journey was over.
Adjusting my glasses and putting my hands in my pockets, I smiled and strode away, scanning my train ticket at the doors and exiting the station where I see the angel waiting for me at the entrance.
I resist all urges to sprint and take him up into a bear hug, picking up my pace a small bit while walking over to him.
"Miss me, Angel?" I put out my arms as I got close.
"Of course, Crowley" he genuinely smiles and his cheeks light up.
I take his hand, bowing and kiss it.
His face goes a shade of red I can only describe as a strawberry colour.
I laugh at his face as my stomach churns with butterflies and I turn my back to him, walking to the car to hide my own face that's hot to the touch.
I hear him catch up with me and we both walk, side by side, to go home.

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