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???'s P.O.V

My army came back, bruised and scratched and... hurt. "What happened? Was the mission a success?" I asked.

"Kind of. The village raid went wonderful, and the FAE did come. Yet they were too strong. We could not beat them," one of the men replied.

"But I sent out loads of you!"

"We did lose soldiers in the village raid, the village guards did put up a fight."

I moaned. "Go get yourselves cleaned up. I have sent people to stop them from reaching him, and I do not want to lose any more of my workers."

The army soluted and left the room. I was going to get that element. I hoped she was doing her job. This had to all end up going right. It just had to. 

Pure Souls (book 1) : Light Withering AwayWhere stories live. Discover now