Chapter 3

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We snuck in through the hole and it was now quiet. There were no bodies but fires dotted the landscape before us. "There was definitely a battle here. But where are the bodies? Their weapons lay before us but their bodies are what is missing." Sam said with slight fear in his voice. "Stay alert. We won't learn anything by standing here. We have a mission to complete soldiers." Captain Joshua said with a commanding tone. The ODSTs and I kept our weapons aimed and scanned each direction waiting to be ambushed by the enemy. But nothing happened. We had another kilometre to travel before we would be at the centre of the base where we would plant the bomb. "Where the hell are all the coveys?" Bud asked what we were all thinking. This could never be a good sign. If something could wipe out a covenant base in forty minutes then we were fucked.

I kept an eye on my motion tracker and there was nothing within 30 meters of us, until an elite jumped out from behind a wall and grabbed Sam by the neck and lifted him off of the ground. Before anyone else could react I had already swung my right fist into the elite's lower mandible causing him to drop Sam to the ground, I then proceeded to draw my knife from its sheath on my left chest plate and stabbed the elite in the throat killing him as spine was severed by the sharp steel blade. He dropped to the ground parallelized and bleeding to death he had a few seconds of life remaining before his final gasp of breath and then it was quiet. I looked at the elite's blue armour and could clearly see a green oozy substance like the one that had dripped onto Sam's shoulder in the tunnel. That was all the clarification I needed. The Flood had attacked and were still here.

I looked to the ODSTs and asked "Have any of you had access to classified ONI files on the pillar of autumn? It's urgent forget ONI protocols." Captain Joshua looked at me and replied, "I have however I could only view that it landed on a Forerunner weapon called Halo and it self destructed to stop the covenant from firing it."

"Well that is not the full story. I'm guessing you only have level three access and the rest requires level five access. To make a long story short; there was a parasitic life form on the halo ring, this lifeform had been responsible for the destruction of the forerunners and they are called the flood. I have reason to believe this life form exists on this planet and we can NOT let it escape on any ship. If it infects any of you we are to kill the infected person straight away." I said to them and then Bud replied, "Now just hang-on there for one second, you're telling me that there is no cure for this besides death?" I looked at him and spoke the only words I could think of, "Trust me. You would rather be dead. We need to hurry up and plant the nuke and get the hell out of here." We then proceeded to move closer to our objective when we reached a covenant building which we had to go through to get to the other side of a wall which separated the base.

We approached the door of the alien structure and we saw that you needed to enter a code to get in. "Fuck how are we supposed to carry on now?" Bud asked, Dom said, "Dumb-ass that's Ryan's expertise so let him near the console." Ryan walked towards the console and knelt down so he could see a panel under it which he proceeded to rip from the rest of the wall so he could see the wiring. "Alright give me a few minutes I'll get this puppy open in no time." he cockily said. "Yeah I don't think the covenant are gonna give us a few minutes." I replied after seeing a large number of red dots appear on my motion tracker. They were slowly heading towards us. I quickly thought of a plan to buy Ryan some time. "Alright listen up the covenant or flood do not want us getting through this door so we need to stop them from getting to Ryan before he opens it. Carter you go and get on that ledge to the right and Esmeralda you do the same but on the left, Bud plant your mines 20 to 35 feet in front of us and get behind cover over there Dom go with him, Joshua you're at the centre cover with me and Sam stay with Ryan if anything comes close you better know how to use that shotgun." as soon as I finished we all moved into our positions we had about fifteen seconds before whatever enemy came to kill us. Fourteen, thirteen, twelve..... five, four, three, two. A door 50 feet to our front blew open and several grunts, two jackals and a brute came charging out towards us. Then 50 feet in front of us to our left five grunts three jackals and an elite ran out and fired upon the brute and we fired upon both of them. The whole thing was confusing but we kept it simple as we knew neither squad were friendly with us,but just as things heated up the flood came flooding over a wall behind both covenant squads. Now we had to really focus on killing everything in front of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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