They all get out the limbo Ben walked toward mal Ben said can I have everyone announcement mal will you do me the honors will you be my queen mal said Ben this is wow Audrey said no mal said of course Ben I'll be your queen Ben said did you hear that everyone there will be a wedding now let's celebrate for aurdon soon to be queen Audrey said ugh it should of been me as the queen and not mal then malificent kicks in malificent voice follow me child come take the queen crown and take my scepter come listen to my voice Audrey said I'll show mal I'll show them all I take the crown that should of been mine and I'll take malificent scepter and I will show all of aurdon no one miss with me then she does an evil laugh but first I will get some help from villains and I'll be the queen when I get done with mal and her friends too be continued
a great evil coming to aurdon
FanfictionA descendants story will mal be able to win against the great evil how will it end