will uma help Audrey with revenge on mal

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Audrey said hello vks I have an wonderful idea  gil said hey this is Audrey the girl I told you about earlier Audrey said let's get revenge over mal she to strong maleficent  revealed to her dad is Hades uma  said mal dad Hades Audrey said yes so are we a team  yes or no uma  said um  sorry but Hades is my uncle which makes mal is my cousin we might had a rivalry but I am crossing someone I am related to or someone so powerful Audrey said so that's a no you and mal are more powerful but not your little friends turn Harry and girl into stone uma  said hey why did turn my crew to stone Audrey said you should of teamed up with me I'll do what ever it takes to take down mal knowing that she is stronger won't stop me I'll find away to take her down and you down too be continued

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