Mal said one on everyone get in side Celia said mal there you are mal said Celia you need to go in for safety Celia said mal a great evil is coming mal said uma and her crew are here Celia said no it's my dad and Audrey well your mother mal said what are you talking about ? Celia said malificent took over Audrey body and the only thing to undo there magic is this mal said a crystal Celia said no it's Hades amber the only thing powerful then your mother specter mal said why do you have it Hades said because I am Hades Celia said we made a deal he gave it to me if I let him out of the isle I was going to give your mother \ Audrey the amber but then I remembered were good friends I am so sorry for almost giving your mother the only thing to stop her plans smoke came in too be continued
a great evil coming to aurdon
FanfictionA descendants story will mal be able to win against the great evil how will it end