gil stills the amber away from uma

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Gil ran quickly in to uma and Harry and took the amber but before he can off gil said thank you guys for caring about me and I want you both to know I understand I mean Hades is really powerful and better then me I should of leaft the crew earlier because we all know I am just a failure uma said gil  gil said I am sorry for all my mistakes and for all ways calling you shirmpy I would even understand that you guys don't want to be friends any more uma  said gil were your friends Harry said yeah mate we are uma said gil we shouldn't have of throw you out were sorry come back to our crew gil said sorry to late I have another team now who wants to destroy mal uma said so you just came here to make us feel bad gil said actually no I came for this ( holds the amber and runs away)  Harry said I can't believe gil  stole from us uma said great how are we going to get it back before Hades finds out Harry said you mean your uncle what he is your uncle uma said I don't care we need to get it back to be continued

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